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Ditzingen (Raum Stuttgart)
ITW Test & Measurement GmbH  Marketingspezialist (m/w)
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Esslingen a.N.
S-Payment GmbHMarketing Manager (m/w)
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StepStone Deutschland GmbH,
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hammer Straße 19 | D-40219 Düsseldorf
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 64185
Geschäftsführer: Ralf Baumann, Dr. Sebastian Dettmers, Simone Reif
Job Agent ID: 7603819, 2014-11-25 22:32:27


Stellenangebote für "Online-Marketing, ..." in "D-PLZ 72"
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Ernst Klett Verlag GmbHMarketingberater/in
Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH
Dr. Güldener FirmengruppeMarketing Manager (w/m) im Bereich B2B
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HALLESCHE Krankenversicherung a. G.Referent/in Online Marketing
HALLESCHE Krankenversicherung a. G.
Thales Deutschland GmbHCommunications Managerin oder Manager
Thales Deutschland GmbH
Ditzingen (Raum Stuttgart)
ITW Test & Measurement GmbH  Marketingspezialist (m/w)
ITW Test & Measurement GmbH 
Esslingen a.N.
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StepStone Deutschland GmbH,
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hammer Straße 19 | D-40219 Düsseldorf
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 64185
Geschäftsführer: Ralf Baumann, Dr. Sebastian Dettmers, Simone Reif
Job Agent ID: 12396317, 2017-03-03 11:40:20

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Ne možeš i ovce i novce!

by Robert
Danas nam Božja riječ donosi nekoliko važnih stvari za razmišljanje: Pronicavo, odnosno mudro srce; Kraljevstvo nebesko; Traganje i trud oko pronalaska; Blago sakriveno, dragocjeni biser; Trud oko posjedovanja. CIJENA BLAGA Reče Isus mnoštvu: »Kraljevstvo je nebesko kao kad je blago skriveno na njivi: čovjek ga pronađe, sakrije, sav radostan ode, proda sve što ima i […]
Robert | July 30, 2017 at 8:21 am | URL: http://wp.me/p4mfBE-47f

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EPI News—Our most important stories this week

Black women’s equal pay day highlights gender and racial wage gaps

July 31st is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, which marks how long into 2017 an African American woman would have to work in order to be paid the same wages as her white male counterpart. In a new article, EPI researchers show that black women are paid only 67 cents on the dollar relative to white non-Hispanic men, even after controlling for education, years of experience, and location. The authors also dispel common myths about the wage gap that affects black women and shows that regardless of level of educational attainment, or occupation, African American women are paid less than their white male counterparts. Read the article »
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Black women have to work 7 months into 2017 to be paid the same as white men in 2016.

If the federal minimum wage had grown with productivity it would be $19.33 per hour today

Last week marked the eighth anniversary of the last time the federal minimum wage was raised, from $6.55 to $7.25. EPI’s David Cooper shows that at its high point in 1968, the federal minimum wage was equal to $9.90 in today’s dollars. Cooper explains that if the minimum wage had been raised since 1968 at the same growth rate as average wages of typical U.S. workers, it would be $11.62 today. And if minimum wage had grown with productivity since 1968, it would be $19.33 per hour today.

The Trump administration is trying to take away the right of millions of Americans to get paid for their overtime

On Tuesday, the Trump administration filed a “Request for Information” (RFI) in an effort to weaken or kill the badly-needed update to the overtime pay rule. “By opening the RFI, President Trump shows that he sides with CEOs and top executives who want to keep pay low and force workers to work unpaid overtime,” said EPI’s Heidi Shierholz. Shierholz explained that the updated overtime pay rule would help workers get a fair return on their hard work.

The Save Local Business Act would do nothing to protect small businesses or their workers

On Thursday, members of Congress introduced the misleadingly named “Save Local Business Act,” which would roll back the joint employer standard under both the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act. EPI Labor Counsel Celine McNicholas said the bill would let big corporations avoid liability for labor and employment violations and leaves small businesses on the hook. “If Congress actually supported small businesses and the workers they employ, they would support a strong joint employer standard,” she said.

From the EPI blog

EPI in the news

EPI’s Daniel Costa called for reform of the H-2B guestworker visa program to ensure that migrant workers cannot be exploited by U.S. employers in an interview with the New York Times. “It’s only fair to set the system in a way that they are not exploited,” said Costa. “Otherwise employers will try to keep wages down.” | Without Visas, Carnival Workers Are Trapped at Home in Mexico »
In a Refinery29 story about interest rates and the Federal Reserve, EPI’s Josh Bivens explained the Federal Reserve’s relationship with the financial sector.“They’re sort of the frontline regulator, and are responsible for the supervision of banks and other financial actors to make sure we don’t have another financial crash," said Bivens. | This Number Affects Everything in Your Life »
Wisconsin Public Radio interviewed EPI’s Lawrence Mishel about his recent report that finds top CEO’s earn 271 times the typical worker’s annual average pay. | Report Finds CEO-To-Worker Compensation Gap is 271-To-1 »
In an op-ed in The Hill about increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) cited EPI research on the cost of child care, nothing that child care costs exceed the cost of rent in some areas in the United States. | Eight years after the last wage hike, Americans need a raise to $15 an hour »
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