subota, 24. prosinca 2016.

Jewish family flees after being falsely blamed for school's cancelation of 'A Christmas Carol'

Opis: Opis: Opis: cid:001201ceffdf$af59a240$1805a8c0@slman
Dec 23, 2016
Michael Moore's 5-point plan for 2017 (and Donald Trump)
Filmmaker Michael Moore has his own guide on how Americans should resist the policies of Donald Trump, stay vigilant, and what you should be doing in the New Year. Michael Moore joins Lawrence.
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Trump on Nukes: ‘Let it be an arms race’
Donald Trump spoke with Mika on the phone to clarify his stance on strengthening the United States’ nuclear arms program saying, “Let it be an arms race.”
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An inauguration free of A-list celebrities
Trump’s team released details of the inauguration plan and it seems so far there is a lack of star power at the event. "The Daily Show” co-creator Lizz Winstead and Variety’s Ted Johnson discuss why.
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Spicer: Trump not going wait to create change
Incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer discusses Donald Trump’s activity before officially taking office.
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How far will Trump take his war on the media?
Trump startles with nuclear policy tweet
What can Trump really expect when he takes office?
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