četvrtak, 22. prosinca 2016.

Don't let Trump give our oceans to Big Oil: Donate NOW and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar!

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First, the good news: This week, President Obama protected millions of acres of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from Big Oil. This is a huge victory for our oceans and our climate -- and one that our Keep it in the Ground Campaign has been working to achieve for years! Now, the bad news: Donald Trump will try to undo this victory. He has made it clear that he wants to hand over our public lands and waters to the fossil fuel industry. No President has ever tried to reverse an action like this before. So when Trump tries, we can take him to court. But we need your help to defend this victory.
Help defend the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from President Trump: Give $15 to Friends of the Earth and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar!President Obama could have simply issued an Executive Order protecting the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. But that would have been easy for Trump to overturn. Instead, he acted through the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. The Act says the President can take public lands and waters off the table for Big Oil, but it has no provision giving a President authority to open up previously protected land to drilling. That means if Trump tries to undo this victory, we will challenge him at every turn. After all, he’ll be President, not Emperor. He still has to follow the law. Don’t let Trump give our oceans to Big Oil: Give $15 to Friends of the Earth today!
The science is clear. To prevent catastrophic climate change, we have to keep fossil fuels in the ground. That means no more selling off our public lands and waters, period. 
President Obama just took a big step toward doing his part. He set us up to defend this victory. Now, he needs you to do your part and help stop Trump from reversing it.
Erich Pica,
Friends of the Earth

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