subota, 31. prosinca 2016.

The world has never been in a better place. From poverty to literacy, the rise of women and fall of deadly disease -- on virtually every metric -- the world is better off than it's ever been. It's a powerful reason for us all to have hope, and rise to 2017.


In 2016, hate was given hope -- but now we take it back!  From terrorism to Trump to Syria, it was a rough year. But hidden by all the darkness filling our screens, there's a simple, beautiful, truth: From poverty to literacy, the rise of women and fall of deadly disease -- on virtually every metric -- the world is better off than it's ever been. It's a powerful reason for us all to have hope, and rise to 2017.  So to kick off the new year, here's a video of 10 beautiful reasons to have hope -- let's share them, add our own, and together give the world a million reasons to hope in 2017: 

Even on the environment, we're winning epic progress on everything from historic ocean conservation to an unstoppable revolution in clean energy!  Political extremists and divisive zealots thrive on fear and desperation. That's why they try to convince us that the world is falling apart.  Master trolls like Trump and Putin have even hired vast armies of both real people and fake "bots" to hijack our social media with smears and lies about how awful everything and everyone else is, except them. (this is true! see sources below). What better way to answer them than a million new year's posts about what gives each of us and all of us hope:  Let's take this dose of hope, and let it fuel our determination and that of our friends. Because in 2017, together, we rise.  With hope,  Ricken, Pascal, Bert, Emma, Mike, Fatima and the whole Avaaz team. 

PS - This new year's reflection feels so important, for each of us, and for a world that is at a tipping point -- between love, hope and wisdom, and fear, anger and ignorance. Here are 5 points of reflection that might be useful for your reflection this year: 

      1. Yes, things are serious. A new autocratic world order (60% of Avaazers believe even a second rise of fascism) could threaten everything we love.

      2. But this is also a tremendous opportunity. Humanity, like each of us, learns best from mistakes. Much of our greatest progress has been catalyzed by crisis. If we meet this moment right, we can emerge from it stronger and wiser than ever.

      3. We need to be strong, and to challenge the forces of regress. But let’s not be twisted by the darkness and act from fear and anger. We are warriors for love and wisdom. We must act from that light.

      4. When we do come from love and wisdom, we can see that our ‘enemy’ is not so much any people, as it is unwisdom. Misplaced fear and anger. Lack of awareness and understanding.

      5. These are age-old foes of our people. Our grandparents faced far worse with far less, and they won progress. We have every reason to hope, and no excuse for despair.
And lastly - all the forces present in our world are present within us. Fear and love. Hope and despair. The choices we make in our personal lives shape our world through billions of acts of kindness or cruelty, wisdom or foolishness. All we can do is our best. Let's hit that mark this year :). 


99 Reasons Why 2016 Was a Good Year

How a Putin Fan Overseas Pushed Pro-Trump Propaganda to Americans (New York Times)

Invasion of the troll armies (The Guardian)

petak, 30. prosinca 2016.



Dragi prijatelji,

Piše mi kolega Elezović:
Ja sam stao na noge nekon gripe. Odmaraj se s familijom, ovih par dana nikome se ne čitaju mailovi. Bit će vremena dogodine. Slično dopisivanje sam imao i sa don Anđelkom Kaćunkom:
AK: Mili Bože, stigneš li ti Josipe imalo odspavati kad svakodnevno toliko toga napišeš?
Ili imaš neku novu tehnologiju da ti kod kuće na papir izlazi i ono o čemu razmišljaš dok se voziš u automobili ili zrakoplovu? : Božićni ti pozdrav i blagoslov
JP: I dok sam radio samo matematiku pitali su me spavam li ikada:)))
AK: :D Sjajan si. Ali očekivao sam takav odgovor, jer i moj je život sličan...
Jutros sam dobio novu poruku od don Anđelka, koja je vezana uz Peticiju ZDS, pa ima smisla spomenuti vam je:
3 minuta · 
Molim Vas učinite što možete da se ispravi već globalno prošireni krivi navod da hrvatska predsjednica od 7. prosinca ima novi nadimak Čokolinda. Naime, ja sam prvi u Hrvatskoj, više od godinu dana prije afere s čokoladama, Kolindu nazvao ČOKOLINDOM i to sam objavio na VL-blogosferi
pa Vam unaprijed zahvaljujem na širenju istine! Svima božićni pozdrav i blagoslov!
NB: Bilo je to upravo u e-pismu TEBI (kako i stoji u postu na Don blogu) :D pa i tebe molim da proširiš istinu o autoru te "stopljenice" koja nije ušla u Hrvatski rječnik "hibrida". A i kako poslušati Nevena i malo odmoriti?
Jutros sam pogledao na portal Hrvatsko nebo moj zadnji tekst koji sam vam poslao. U njemu sam stavio u Prilogu e-maile koje sam poslao ranije na niz adresa. Poslana su ranije od onog u kome sam komentirao tvrdnju Glavnog tajnika HAZU kome je u ime HAZU bilo važno u Hrvatskom saboru istaknuti gdje sam rođen. Mnoge je posebno razveselio taj moj komentar, ali ipak je prevagnulo to što u tim e-mailima to nisam komentirao.
Tako mi Mladen Deletis piše: Inače, imam i ja priču o mjestu rođenja u „Socijalističkoj republici“. Stojim s jednim kolegom (moje godište 1943.) u redu za upis u slijedeću godinu fakulteta. Dobijemo formulare s rubrikom „Mjesto rođenja“ (Zagreb), „Socijalistička Republika“, a kolega će pa „NDH“ – obojica smo rođeni 1943. prije „Dana republike“ Zato sam svima kojima sam poslao takav e-mail napisao novi: Poštovani Na portalu Hrvatsko nebo su me upozorili da Vama nisam napisao nešto što sam u kasnijim tekstovima naveo:
rođen 1948. godine u Socijalističkoj Republici Crnoj Gori nisam stavio:
(netočnou Narodnoj Republici Crnoj Gori, JP).
S poštovanjem,
Josip Pečarić
Bilo je prijedloga za internacionalizaciju ovih pitanja.
Mladen Deletis je želio pokrenuti peticiju potpore meni.
Ipak ja pišem takva pisma (koliko li sam ih samo do sada poslao), pa mi je besmisleno da netko piše i o meniJ
Mislim da bi sve to naišlo na zid šutnje, kao što su imala mnoga moja pisma. Uostalom u tisku je i moja knjiga tih pisama: “Pišem pisma, odgovora nema / Navodna Hrvatska zaklada za znanost”.
Zato sam Mladenu obećao novu knjigu, prirodni nastavak ove u tisku:


Meni je takav odgovor najdraži.
Kako vam se čini?

 P.S. A sad moram poslušati Nevena. "Čujemo" se dogodine. Uostalom treba još pisati i za tu knjigu, zar ne? 

"God is King, God has ruled, God will rule forever and ever!"

Best of the Left in 2016
John Nichols with our Progressive Honor Roll, David Cole on Obama and civil rights, and Hunter S. Thompson with Studs Terkel in 1966.
The Best of The Nation’s 2016 Long-Form: An Incomplete List
You can use the quiet time over the holidays to get inspired and fired up to fight back.
Trump’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Privatization Enthusiasts
If these officials get their way, America’s schools, roads, corrections facilities, immigrant detention centers, and critical social insurance programs will soon fall into private hands.
Inequality Is Only Getting Worse
The typical American family today has less wealth than the typical American family of the 1980s.
The Reason for Israel’s Hysterical Response to the UN Security Council Resolution
Netanyahu takes pride in killing the two-state solution—but he doesn’t want to be blamed for it, because he knows the only acceptable alternative is equality for all in a single state.
Trump Is Capitalizing on the Anxiety Caused by the End of Steady Employment
Liberals should speak to workers’ experience of precarity.

We're just $21,500 away from our goal. Your gift of $37 or more to support independent journalism will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, until 12/31.DONATE NOW
We recognize that our role, more than ever, is to serve as a watchdog in a post-truth world. Help us raise the $200,000 we need before December 31 to keep our reporters in the field in 2017. We're just $21,500 away from our goal.

To resist the Trump era, we must first remember what preceded it. At the start of the election, urgent, insistent, progressive movements were defining forces in American politics. From university campuses to fast—food chains to Hollywood studios, people of conscience everywhere were demanding better police accountability and action on climate justice, economic inequity, and sexual violence. We have been building a more just world. One stolen election cannot douse that fire.

As Rinku Sen wrote for The Nation in the days immediately following Election Day, “Backlash only exists when we are making progress.” So damn Trump: Our progress must continue. At The Nation, we are as dedicated as ever to chronicling, informing, and helping to drive that progress.

We have a responsibility as citizens of this democracy to fight for a more equitable, peaceful, and sustainable world—and to hold our leaders accountable for creating it.

That’s what we do every day at The Nation.

We’re ready to take on the Trump administration and all the challenges ahead in 2017, but we can’t do it alone. Your gift today of $37—matched dollar for dollar by a generous donor—will go twice as far in helping to secure the future of The Nation in the new year for the fights ahead. 

In times like these, supporting The Nation is tantamount to supporting one of the pillars of democracy. Our long-standing tradition of speaking truth to power is something to be proud of—for writers and readers alike. Seeding radical thought into the national conversation has been a Nation hallmark for more than 150 years. And we will continue to cover and give voice to the movements, leaders, and citizens of conviction and commitment who have the power to make change at this critical moment.

We couldn’t do this without you. Your gift of $37 or more before December 31 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000, so there’s no better time to stand up and join us today.
All the best,
Kai Wright
Features editor, The Nation

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Countdown - Top 10 Israel Video Network Videos of the Year

Lest any Jew forgets – because of all the violence directed at us, the hatred, the incitement to kill, the vile words, the missiles, the rockets, the knives, the rocks, the deafening silence of the world that we all feel right now – we should be proud of our heritage, accomplishments and spirit. Just like anyone else on this planet. And we shouldn’t be shy about it.
Why is the UN busy condemning Israel - if Israel is the country with the best human rights record in the entire world?
Mayim Bialik is the actress who clearly knows how to handle herself, and fits right into the web series “Yidlife Crisis” in this thoroughly entertaining episode of a blind date that takes an unusual turn.
The daring rescue that showed the world over that Jews will never ever be left to others to care for their safety. Only the Israel Defense Forces and the Lord above can be relied on.
Join Elliot Dvorin, the Key Tov Orchestra and the Chicago Hoop Dancers for this fantastic Passover experience at Daley Plaza in Chicago.
Are Muslims being radicalized on US soil? Are organizations such as CAIR who purport to represent American Muslims accepting and liberal or are they radically dangerous with links to terror organizations?
What an uplifting cultural synthesis coming together in one of the most multicultural cities in the world to say what they both believe..."God is King, God has ruled, God will rule forever and ever!"
Brigitte’s unique angle brings up a very scary point about what has happened to European women due to open immigration policies on their continent.
PM Netanyahu--380x200
Are Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria an obstacle to peace?
Are the millions of Arabs living inside Israel obstacles to peace?
Prime Minister Netanyahu makes it clear that ethnic cleansing and judenrein are terms that will no longer be a part of the future of the Land of Israel.
Ethnic cleansing for peace – what the Arab side proposes – is nothing more than blatant hatred of Jews and Israel.
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