The resistance movement is growing. EPI members across the country are calling on our elected officials to act on behalf of working people, not business special interests.We’re working to defend Obama-era rules that strengthen our right to earn the overtime pay we deserve, and protect working people from unscrupulous Wall Street “advisers.” Next Saturday, April 15th, we’re making our voices heard in Washington, DC and in local communities across the country at the Tax March. We’re marching to oppose Donald Trump and Paul Ryan’s efforts to provide massive tax breaks to the rich and large corporations, while leaving working people behind.
Click here to find a Tax March near you and RSVP today.
And, starting today, members of Congress are heading home for recess, and there are a bunch of opportunities for you to speak with your elected officials and show the power of our movement for positive economic change.
Click here to find an event or a meeting near you.
Whether it’s protecting and expanding healthcare for millions of individuals, expanding Social Security for current and future generations, increasing the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour, or ensuring access to quality affordable child care for low- and middle-income families, your voice is needed now more than ever.
Thank you for all that you do.
Liz Rose Communications Director, EPI |
Respected friends,
Good news! The rusty patched bumble bee was officially listed under the Endangered Species Act. This move finally grants it the needed protection it deserves.
But bees, butterflies and other pollinators are still dying at alarming rates. Monarch butterflies have declined by nearly 90 percent in the past twenty years. We need to do more to protect them.
Senator Merkley introduced a bill to help save our pollinators. We need your help to build support for the bill in Congress! Tell your Senators to protect bees and butterflies by co-sponsoring the Pollinator Recovery Act! Bees are responsible for every one in three bites of food we eat -- from almonds to apples and blueberries. Pollinators account for as much as $577 billion worth of global food crops each year. They’re essential to our food system. We can’t afford to keep letting them decline. The Pollinator Protection Act is a crucial next step to stop the decline of our pollinators and our food supply. It will increase pollinator-friendly, regionally appropriate habitat that reduces the use of pesticides. It offers financial incentives to farmers who avoid using certain pesticides. And it will set up a monitoring program for native pollinators. Tell your Senators: Protect bees and butterflies NOW!
The best way to protect bees, butterflies, our environment and all of us is to reduce the use of toxic pesticides and support non-toxic management of our environment. This bill brings us closer to doing that. We need your help to generate support in Congress for this bill. By urging your Senators to support pollinator protection, you’ll build the momentum we need in Congress to pass it.
Tell your Senators: Stand up for bees, support the Pollinator Recovery Act!
Standing with you, Tiffany Finck-Haynes, Food futures campaigner, Friends of the Earth
Light up dog leashes add an extra measure of safety. Shop Now. | Trouble Viewing? Click Here. |
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Our community has been lighting up with 4ID since 2014, putting the lightweight, flexible LEDs on everything from arms and ankles to helmets, strollers, and bikes.
Besides singing the praises of these lights in your reviews, many have asked, “Can’t our four-legged family members enjoy the same nighttime visibility?”
Well now, with the introduction of a light-up dog leash, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” |
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Nakon što je facebooku je počeo kružiti video snimljen 1983. godine na zadarskom Forumu. Na snimci se vidi zbor koji pjesmom ispraća iz Zadra Saveznu štafetu mladosti, a već na samom početku snimke, u prvom kadru može se vidjeti sadašnji gradonačelnik Božidar Kalmeta u odijelu i sa crvenom leptir mašnom kako pjeva sa ostalima Pjesmu slobodi. Zbog toga je sadašnji HDZ na čijem je čelu sada u Zadarskoj županiji Kalmeta velika obmana, a glasovi za njih su glasovi za janjičare koji su odraz izdajnika pionira.Izborom za predsjednika Županijskog odbora HDZ-a Kalmeta imao apsolutnu vlast u Zadarskoj županiji jer prema članaku 24. Statuta HDZ-a na području županije djeluje županijska organizacija HDZ-a, koju čine sve općinske i gradske organizacije s područja županije, a županijsku organizaciju vodi županijski odbora HDZ-a. I prema članku 25 Statuta HDZ-a zadaće županijskog odbora HDZ-a jesu osobito: raspravljanje o političkim problemima i odlučivanje o političkim pitanjima u okviru svojega djelokruga, provođenje politike HDZ-a na području županije, imenovanje stalnih i privremenih tijela (povjerenstava) za proučavanje pojedinih pitanja, sudjelovanje u predlaganju predloženika na državnim izborima, određivanje predloženika na izborima za tijela županijske lokalne samouprave, obvezno obavljanje podrobne raščlambe o postignutom izbornom uspjehu HDZ-a, nakon obavljenih izbora za tijela državne vlasti i tijela županijske lokalne samouprave, uzimajući u obzir na prijašnjim izborima postignuti uspjeh, te uspjeh svake pojedine političke stranke koja je na tim izborima imala svoje predloženike. Županijski odbor odlučuje o žalbi na odluku općinskog ili gradskog odbora o raspuštanju temeljne organizacije HDZ-a. Žalbu može podnijeti dotadašnji predsjednik ili najmanje 1/3 članova raspuštenog izvršnog odbora ogranka. Županijski odbor ovlašten je raspustiti općinsku ili gradsku organizaciju HDZ-a te imenovati povjerenstvo na čelu s povjerenikom koje ima sva prava i obveze raspuštenog odbora. Povjerenstvo je dužno u roku od najduže 6 mjeseci sazvati izvanrednu izbornu skupštinu raspuštene organizacije HDZ-a.
Zadar, 8. travnja 2017. godine
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