četvrtak, 3. kolovoza 2017.

Literary world fired up over debut short story collection by gay immigration lawyer

Nehemiah's Wall and the Restoration of Israel

Our Heavenly Father is strengthening His people at this time in history, as He strengthened His servant Nehemiah - to rebuild and restore His land. Israel’s cities are being rebuilt and the country that was once a barren land is beginning to flourish.

The book of Nehemiah illustrates the significant impact one individual can have on a nation. And when joined with many families to lay stone upon stone to help in the rebuilding, Nehemiah was able to complete the reconstruction of the wall in record time.

HaYovel is a zealous advocate for the restoration of the Jewish people to Israel’s heartland and works tirelessly to help them possess and restore this land through agricultural development. And like Nehemiah, we need many families to take their places at the “wall” to complete the work of establishing our Jewish brothers in their ancestral homeland.

How is Almighty God leading you to participate at this time in the rebuilding and restoration of Israel? Can you donate a series of small stones to Nehemiah's wall? Or are you someone our Father has strengthened for this moment to place a big boulder that smaller stones can anchor to?

Our God is awesome! He is our all-sufficient strength and provision, yet He gives us hearts that delight in restoring what was lost, and then allows us to partake in His eternal plan.

If your heart longs to join us, please consider investing in the work of HaYovel. Go to www.HaYovel.com/Donate to set up your monthly donation or to make a one time gift.

May your hearts and hands (and ours!) be strengthened for the work ahead.

For Zion’s Sake,
Caleb's signature 3.jpg
Caleb Waller

Join the HaYovel volunteer team as they plant a new vineyard on the mountains of Samaria. In the wake of terror, death and turmoil in Jerusalem and Israel, new life is sprouting on the Mount of Blessing.

God says in Amos 9:15, "I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them."

Copyright 2017 © HaYovel Inc.
All rights reserved

P.O. Box 19, Greenville, MO 63944

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Rast prometa Airbnba u Hrvatskoj viši od 100%

Platforma Airbnb u Hrvatskoj u zadnje dvije godine ostvarila je više od 100 posto rasta. Airbnb je sve popularniji među iznajmljivačima koji ...OPŠIRNIJE
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כמה מילים...

גם זה יעבור

קוראים וקוראות יקרים,
האם קל לכם לצום או שקשה לכם לצום? בין כך ובין כך, אני מתאר לעצמי שבשעות האחרונות של הצום אתם מוצאים את עצמכם מסתכלים על השעון. "עוד שעתיים ורבע"; "עוד שעה וארבעים ושבע דקות"; "עוד חמשת רבעי שעה"...
והנה אני מוצא את עצמי בשעת כתיבת שורות אלו בדיוק 24 שעות אחרי שהסתיים הצום, וכמעט שכחתי שהיה אי-פעם צום. זה מצחיק לחשוב שרק אתמול בשעות אלו הסתכלתי בהתרגשות על מחוגי השעון שהתקדמו ובישרו על הרגעים בהם אוכל לשתות איזו שתיה קרה, זמן כה קצר חלף מאז וזכרון הצום די נשכח ממני.
כי תמיד זה כך. כשאנו נמצאים בעיצומה של צרה, אנו חושבים שזה סוף העולם. אבל כשהגל חולף, אנו מבינים עד כמה זה היה מצב זמני בלבד.
אגדה מפורסמת מספרת על חכם שענד טבעת עליה היה כתוב את האותיות ג ז י. כששאלו אותו לפשר הטבעת, הוא הסביר להם שזהו סוד השמחה שלו: גם זה יעבור, לא להתפעל מהצרות של הרגע כי מחר כבר נשכח אותם.
אז הבה נתפלל לבורא העולם שהוא באמת יקח מאיתנו את כל הצרות, ושנשכח מהר את צום תשעה באב לא בגלל שעבר זמן... אלא בגלל שהסיבה העיקרית לצום תתבטל בקרוב בימינו.
שבת שלום,
הרב מנדי קמינקר

ט"ו באב
6 המאורעות שקרו בט"ו באב

6 המאורעות שקרו בט"ו באב

הוא נחשב ליום השמח ביותר בשנה! אבל מה קרה בט"ו באב? התשובה בכתבה שלפניכם
מנדי קמינקר

מבט מעמיק לפרשת השבוע עם הרב שניאור אשכנזי
אחת השאלות הגדולות: כמה גרסאות יש לעשרת הדברות?

אחת השאלות הגדולות: כמה גרסאות יש לעשרת הדברות?

מה ההבדלים בין עשרת הדברות של פרשת ואתחנן לאלו של פרשת יתרו? האם החכמים יכולים לנצח את השכינה? ומה יכול כל אחד ואחת לחדש בתורה? שיעור מרתק לפרשת ואתחנן, עם הרב שניאור אשכנזי.
שניאור אשכנזי
לצפיה (57:49)

התפילה: מה, איך ומדוע
למה מתפללים את תפילת העמידה ברגליים צמודות?

למה מתפללים את תפילת העמידה ברגליים צמודות?

בקצרה, התשובה היא שאנו עושים זאת כדי להיות דומים למלאכים. כנסו לכתבה כדי להבין מה זה אומר בדיוק
ישראל בלוי

סיפורים ומשלים עם הרב שניאור אשכנזי
"טראכט גוט, וועט זיין גוט"! תחשוב טוב, יהיה טוב

"טראכט גוט, וועט זיין גוט"! תחשוב טוב, יהיה טוב

חסיד אחד הגיע על סף ייאוש לרבי הצמח צדק. הרבי נתן לו עצה: "טראכט גוט וועט זיין גוט" - תחשוב טוב, יהיה טוב!
שניאור אשכנזי
לצפיה (2:34)

אנשים שכדאי להכיר
הארכיאולוג הזה נכנס כל יום למנהרות הכותל

הארכיאולוג הזה נכנס כל יום למנהרות הכותל

והוא נזהר לא לפגוע בהיסטוריה... הכירו את הארכיאולוג אבי סלומון.

מה עושים כשהאהבה נגמרת

מה עושים כשהאהבה נגמרת

בקומקומים, האבנית מצטברת אט אט ומתישהו זה מפסיק לעבוד. זה לא מחמם את המים. מה עושים אם יש שכבה כזאת? לוקחים את הקומקום ומנקים
הרב עדין אבן-ישראל (שטיינזלץ)

פרשת ואתחנן
פרשת ואתחנן עם הרב יונתן זקס - הכוח העוצמתי של הלָמָּה

פרשת ואתחנן עם הרב יונתן זקס - הכוח העוצמתי של הלָמָּה

מילים רבות נכתבות בימינו על ה"מה" ועל ה"איך" של היהדות, אך אם רצונכם לשנות את העולם, התחילו ב"למה". זהו מה שלימד אותנו משה רבינו בחודש האחרון של חייו.
הרב ד"ר יונתן זקס
אות ט נעלמה, והופיעה שוב בעשרת הדברות! ועוד רמזים וגימטריאות לפרשת ואתחנן

אות ט נעלמה, והופיעה שוב בעשרת הדברות! ועוד רמזים וגימטריאות לפרשת ואתחנן

מה קרה לאות ט, להיכן היא נעלמה ומדוע היא הופיע שוב? רמזים וגימטריאות לפרשת ואתחנן
מנחם רייצס

דוא"ל זה נשלח ל: tokic.stjepan719@gmail.com
טיפ: כדי לוודא שהדיוור שלנו מגיע לדואר הנכנס, אנא הוסיפו את כתובת הדוא"לsubscriptions@chabad.org לרשימת השולחים הבטוחים שלכם
© כל הזכויות שמורות לחב"ד.אורג. מדיניות שמירת הפרטיות

Aug 03, 2017
Lawrence: Trump is losing his presidency
Donald Trump's new boss John Kelly assures the Attorney General his job is safe, despite Trump's displeasure with Jeff Sessions' recusal. And the Republican Congress just isn't listening to the president. Sam Stein and Ron Klain join Lawrence O'Donnell.
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How Trump's new policy ignores value of immigrants
Maria Teresa Kumar, president of Voto Latino, talks with Joy-Ann Reid about the Trump administration attacking immigrants in an effort to shore up his base while ignoring the value of immigrants to the American labor force.
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Matthews: Trump is trying to stop Mueller
Muller isn't just investigating the Russian connection; he's investigating Donald Trump.
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Al Gore: 'All hope is not lost' on climate change
'We do have the capacity to restore and redeem American democracy,' the former vice president tells Chris Hayes in a wide-ranging interview about the environment, Donald Trump’s presidency, and the state of American democracy.
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Meet the Press Launches New Film Festival
Historians discuss White House Statue of Liberty comments
Trump's approval drops seven points in new poll
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Senior cop says he's battling 'a massive organized criminal enterprise'
Police: Binary options is run by crime bosses, has grown ‘monstrous’ in size
Saying his ‘eyes have been opened’ to size and complexity of widely fraudulent industry, superintendent tells MKs he’ll do everything possible to uproot the scam
Police Superintendent Gabi Biton at an August 2, 2017 Knesset panel devoted to a proposed law to ban Israel's binary options industry (Simona Weinglass/Times of Israel)

Israel breaks up alleged Hamas Turkey-Hebron money laundering ring
Terror group brought some $200,000 into the West Bank to pay salaries of its command, operatives, Shin Bet says
Untitled-Clockwise from top left, Majd Jaaba, Muhammad Maher Bader, Haron Nasser al-Din, Muasseb Hashalmon, Taha Uthman, Yusri Hashalmon, Umar Qimri, identified by the Shin Bet security service as the leaders of a Hamas operation to illegally bring money into Hebron. (Shin Bet)
IDF soldiers conduct raids in the West Bank village of Yatta, near Hebron, on August 3, 2017. (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
As victim’s condition stabilizes, IDF raids Yavneh terrorist’s hometown
Police detain a man, suspected of instigating riots in East Jerusalem, during arrests carried out overnight August 2, 2017. (Israel Police)
15 more arrested on suspicion of instigating Temple Mount riots

US President Donald Trump (L) is welcomed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the presidential palace in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on May 23, 2017. (Thomas COEX / AFP)
The Temple Mount crisis ended Trump’s Palestinian honeymoon. The Kushner tape made things worse
ANALYSIS Early flattery from Ramallah, as the president held back on moving the embassy and criticized settlements, has given way to increasingly public accusations that the White House is siding with Israel
Kushner says Trump campaign was too dysfunctional to collude
Trump’s new chief of staff assures Sessions his job is safe
Trump reportedly describes White House as ‘real dump’

LIVE UPDATES Latest: After losing manslaughter appeal, Elor Azaria asks IDF chief for leniency
Pharma giant Teva to lay off 7,000 after $6b loss last quarter
In a lab in the Teva Medical Factory in Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem, March 15, 2010. (Nati Shohat/Flash90) 
Jerusalem chief rabbi slams city’s gay pride parade; Israel bars 10 Gaza soccer players from West Bank final, club says

Jerusalem gears up for gay pride parade under banner ‘LGBTQ and Religion’
4,000 expected to take part in annual event under heavy security; police to allow small anti-protest by far-right activists
Participants at the Jerusalem Pride Parade, July 21, 2016. (Sarah Tuttle-Singer/Times of Israel)

Olmert’s son lashes Netanyahu’s son for ‘racist, homophobic’ Facebook post
Ariel Olmert mocks Yair Netanyahu’s lavish lifestyle, becomes latest to threaten to sue prime minister’s offspring
 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his son Yair visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, a day after the elections on March 18, 2015. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit in Jerusalem on July 5, 2015. (Emil Salman/POOL)
AG cites ‘progress’ in bid to enlist Netanyahu’s ex-aide as state’s witness
Yair Netanyahu, son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at the annual bible study held at the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem on October 13, 2016. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL/Flash90)
Leftist group slaps Yair Netanyahu with pre-suit notice letter
Sara Netanyahu (C), wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, seen at a signing ceremony in the southern Israeli city of Eilat on March 7, 2017. (Yair Sagi/Pool)
Sara Netanyahu grilled in fraud probe as PM faces threat from former aide

Israeli soprano Netta Or. (Sylke Gall Photography)
Divorcing music from anti-Semitism, Israeli soprano takes on taboo at Wagner fest
Netta Or sees her performance in ‘Parsifal’ as an opportunity to show the world that the Bayreuth Festival is not ‘judenrein’
Palestinian Muslims wave a national flag and flash the victory gesture in front of the Dome of the Rock atop the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem's Old City on July 27, 2017. ( AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI)
The inevitable next conflagration
OPINION The government’s failure to address the root causes of recent violence in Jerusalem guarantees more of the same — or worse

Jill Baker Shames
Why I gave my kidney away
JILL BAKER SHAMES It was something she was meant to do not for her cousin but for herself

P. David Hornik
A primer for Netanyahu-haters
P. DAVID HORNIK How not to let facts disturb your absolute certainty the prime minister can do nothing right

Keshet Starr
No wedding is perfect without this
KESHET STARR You guessed it, it’s the Halachic prenup. And if that makes you feel icky, then read this.

President Donald Trump, flanked by Sen. Tom Cotton, R- Ark., left, and Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., speaks in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017, during the unveiling of legislation that would place new limits on legal immigration. (AP/Evan Vucci)
ADL slams Trump-backed GOP plan on immigration as ‘cruel, un-American’
Jewish group vows to fight against bill that ‘exacerbates immigrant bashing and nativist attitudes’

Emily Pomeranz’s dying wish was for a very specific milkshake. (Facebook)
Milkshake travels 400 miles to fulfill hospice patient’s last wish
A good friend and a restaurant owner in Cleveland team up to put a big smile on the face of 50-year-old Emily Pomeranz

Hebrew Media Review
THU, AUG 3, 2:35 PM
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flanked by former chief of staff Ari Harow (left) and former parliamentary adviser Perach Lerner as he arrives at a Likud faction meeting in the Israeli parliament, November 24, 2014. (Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Mud in the front, knives in the back
The press looks at the dirt finding its way into the open that may fell the Netanyahus, and covers back-stabbings literal and figurative
Survivor who embraced ex-Nazi guard decries jail term for 96-year-old
After court confirms ‘Bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ healthy enough for prison, Eva Kor says he should lecture in schools instead
Holocaust survivor and Mengele twin Eva Mozes Kor in her Terre Haute, Indiana, CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center on November 7, 2016. (Amanda Borschel-Dan/Times of Israel)

Ultra-Orthodox protest campaign compares IDF draft to Holocaust
Posters show Haredi recruits walking into Auschwitz, claim IDF induction targets souls whereas Nazis went after bodies
 Israeli police officers clash with ultra-Orthodox Jewish men during an anti-draft protest in Jerusalem on March 23, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

State doubles budget for new settlement after shortfall
Housing Ministry will bankroll Amichai to tune of NIS 120 million, and lift responsibility from Binyamin Regional Council
 Construction workers begin work on the new settlement, Amichai, meant to resettle the evacuees of Amona, June 20, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Israel National Library launches digital manuscript archive
45,000 texts spanning the centuries and geography of the Jewish world, captured in over 4.2 million images, are available online
 Screen capture of the National Library of Israel's online manuscript archive, August 2, 2017. (National Library of Israel)

Greek church to appeal against sale of Old City hotels to right-wing group
Palestinian Authority church committee claims court ruling upholding purchase by Ateret Cohanim is part of Israeli attempt to ‘attack Al-Aqsa Mosque’
 The Petra Hotel in the Old City of Jerusalem. (CC-BY-SA: Ranbar/Wikimedia)

After bridge duel nixed, Israeli and Jordanian lawmakers feud over phone
Yahya Al-Saud tells Oren Hazan to go to hell when he refuses to apologize for tweet; Israeli says an actual meeting would have ended ‘with a hug and a selfie’
 Oren Hazan attends the Holon Purim parade, the largest in the country, on March 12, 2017.  (Miriam Alster/ Flash90)

IDF soldier moderately hurt in training accident
Serviceman taken to hospital for treatment after being shot during military exercise
 An illustrative photo of an IDF soldier holding a weapon. (Yaakov Naumi/Flash90)

Foreign Press Association files petition against police violence during Temple Mount crisis
High Court suit slams government for staying silent on the matter while boasting ‘that it is the Middle East’s only democracy’
 Israeli security forces stand before Palestinians on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on July 27, 2017, with the Al-Aqsa mosque appearing in the background. (AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI)

'Jerusalem Ablaze' author, Orlando Ortega-Medina. (Courtesy)
Literary world fired up over debut short story collection by gay immigration lawyer
Exploring his multi-pronged identity, Orlando Ortega-Medina recently released his book ‘Jerusalem Ablaze’ to a warm critical reception
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