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Dragi prijatelji,
Nisam se javljao desetak dana jer sam ponovnpo bio u bolnici. Neočekivane komplikacije zbog nekih ljekova. Sjajan tim akademika Davora Miličića je to iskoristio za novi stent i tako umanje opasnost od novog udara.
Posebno mi je drago što sam bio njegov pacijent jer je još kao profesor i najmlađi dekan Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu supotpisao naše Pismo VS UN-a za generale Gotovinu i Markača, ali je tom prigodom napiao i sjajan tekst koji sam uvrstio u knjigu "Rasizam svjetskih moćnika" str. 148-149. Ubrzo je postao i akademik pa je postao i potpisnik tog pisma kada smo ga ponovno poslali VSUN-a.Iako nisam baš pratio što se sve događalo ovih dana ipak me je šokirao Arsen Bauk. Naime njegov komentar koji sam vidio na TV-u o spomeniku ubojici Puniši Račiću je nešto nevjerojatno. On je usporedio spomenik ubojici s pločom podignutoj hrvatskim braniteljima u Jasenovcu.
Mislim da je Bauk matematičar, pa bez obzira što je izgleda bio ne baš sjajan student, ipak je teško povjerovati da mu je logika toliko strana disciplina pa da nezna da je to nešto neusporedivo.Osim, naravno, ako ne misli da su hrvatski branitelji ubojice njegovih: PRIPADNIKA FAŠISTIČKIH AGRESORA NA HRVATSKU.
U slijedećim vjestima je već taj dio njegove izjave izostavljen, a ja ne mogu naći na Internetu tu izjavu.
S druge strane, pravi odgovor dobio je od naše Marije, pa vam ga šaljem.
Marija Dubravac, Brisbane
SPREMNI ZA DOM!Pjesma posvećena vjernim sljedbenicima junačkih djedova, akademiku Josipu Pečariću i dr. Josipu Stjepandiću, koji svojim neumornim zalaganjem štite svetost hrvatskoga pozdrava ZDS! Hvala im.Dome moj, srećo moja, najdraže meni gnijezdo,O majko Hrvatice, ti moja zlatna zvijezdo.Još riječi tvoje bruje ispod staroga krova:- Poštivaj sinko naš Dom, svetinju pradjedova.Kad uzdrma se temelj, kad prijeti ljuta neman,Ti budi čvrsta stijena, za Dom otaca spreman.Vran kuću dragu čuva, mrav brani topli kutak,U svakom stvoru za Dom ljubavi buja vrutak.Čuj, svijetom odjekuju umilni uhu, zvuci,Jačaju srce, dušu, u radosti i muci:‘‘Ligado à terra natal!’’ Portugalija kliče,Japanac ‘‘Furusato’’ od pamtivijeka viče.Španjolski ‘‘Apegado a su patria!’’ ori,Nijemac “Heimatverbunden!” jezikom oca zbori.‘‘Ta i för kung och fosterland!’’ Šveđanin brižno pamti,‘‘Liam shi 恋家 !‘‘ u Kinezu ko vječno svjetlo plamti.‘‘Me ko ne tue yom lah!’’ Kamerunac se hvali,S pozdravom ‘‘Kotiseutu!’’ Finci su za Dom pali.‘‘Vatanına ne kadar, baglısın!’’ pozdrav turski,‘‘Attaché au pays natal!’’ ponavlja sin francuski.‘‘Murtabit bil watan!’’ arabski čovjek štuje,Nizozemac ‘‘Honkvast!’’ ponosno uzvikuje.‘‘Legato alla terra d'origine!’’ piše,U zemlji talijanskoj za Dom se živi diše.Svak’ na grud svio cvjetak, nacije časne znamenI štuje geslo mrtvih: SVOM DOMU VJERAN. AMEN.Stog i ti sinko k srcu, majčine riječi primi:Ostani Hrvat pravi, izdajnik ne bud’ ti mi.Ko i pradjedi tvoji, usklikni diva glasom:‘‘Za Dom sam mili spreman! – kunem se duše spasom!’’To hrvatski je poklič, to naša čast i dika,Povijesno obilježje pastira i ratnika.Kad zlotvor digne šaku da usta tvoja čepi,Neka ti zakon djeda klonulu dušu krijepi.Pa makar mrijeti moro, ne prodaj se za škude,‘‘Dom svoj tko ljubit ne zna, preci su njeg’vi Jude.’’---Dome, svetinjo moja, najdraže meni gnijezdo,O majko, Hrvatice, ti moja zlatna zvijezdo.Domoljublja ti vijenac pozdrav djedova kiti,Dok je hrvatskog srca, Kroacije će biti.Marija Dubravac, Brisbane 2017
jezik Prijevod domaće pismo opaska kineski Liam shi 恋家 Vec korišten njemački Heimatverbunden HT604 portugalski ligado à terra natal žensko: ligada, HT605 španjolski apegado a su patria žensko: apegada, HT607 švedski ta i för kung och fosterland HT606 japanski Furusato ふるさと、 kamerunski 1 mè kual ndoh kamerunski 2 me ko ne tue yom lah HT608 finski Kotiseutu turski Vatanına ne kadar baglısın talijanski Legato alla terra d'origine francuski attaché au pays natal arapski Murtabit bil watan مرتبط بالوطن nizozemski Honkvast
Josip Pečarić
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Grad Benkovac još nema rješenja da Falkensteinerpočne obnovu hotela Asseria
Benkovački hotel Asseria uništen je od strane austrijskog poduzeća Falkensteiner, koji je preuzeo bivše hotelsko turističko poduzeće Borik preko «Hypo Alpe Adria Bank» u čijem je vlasništvu je bio i hotel Asseria Benkovac. Grad Benkovac, na žalost, još nema rješenje, odnosno nema instrumente da Falkensteiner počne obnovu hotela Asseria. Trenutačni izgled zgrade sigurno ne služi na čast tako renomiranoj tvrtki.
Pozivaju se građani Benkovca da daju prijedloge za obnovu hotela Asseria Benkovac i dostave na e-mail adresushzzadar@gmail.com, koje ćemo javno objaviti.
Zadar -Benkovac, 20. srpnja 2017. godine
Here in NYC, we like to start the weekend early.
Tonight, you've definitely gotta turn out for NYC's first annual BBQ & Brews Cruise—use the code "SPOILEDBOGO" and get 50% off your tickets! And don't forget to snag your tix for our epic rooftop crawl this Saturday! Def pre-game at this insane dessert & wine fest. Too bad if you missed out on the Rockefeller Center's Seated Ballerina, but there's already some new art in town to take her place. There's a new spot opening downtown and it's BYOP– BRING YOUR OWN PUPPY. ICYMI, a bar owner in Crown Heights thought promoting fake bullet holes in her new bar was a good idea. It wasn't. Living on your own might seem like the life, but here in NYC, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Ever wish you could break into the startup world? Easier said than done, but this is your chance! | |
Thirsty Thursday is always epic, especially when you can get that with city views anywhere in NYC. But you’ve been climbing up to rooftop bars all summer. It’s time to change it up a bit. Sail out onto to Hudson with some great BBQ and endless beer tonight, to change up your Thirsty Thursday game. Oh, and use the code "SPOILEDBOGO" and you get 50% off your tickets! Get your tickets here before you miss this epic night. READ MORE… | |
You know NYC loves you when they throw food festivals. But a dessert and wine festival in the city is seriously deep, undying love. This little taste of heaven is coming to Queens this weekend. Here’s all you need to know so you can get your hands on some delicious treats and fancy wines. READ MORE… | |
Rockefeller Center’s Seated Ballerina’s very chill run is sadly over. But Rock Center left us with a big gaping art hole in the middle of the plaza for only a few hours. Just a day later, two pro artists swooped in and filled it with one of the most dope art pieces in NYC. Check it out before it comes down at the end of the week. READ MORE… | |
If you hear tons of dogs barking and people happy-sobbing in the East Village this winter, now you know why. Your dog can finally become NYC’s hottest socialite at the city’s first BYOD café. While most people can’t wait for the trendy café to open, others aren’t as excited as any normal person would be. Here’s why these party-poopers are on the fence about it. READ MORE… | |
Breaking into the tech world right out college was a little more simple in the past. Sadly, we did not grow up in our parents’ lifetimes. But we've teamed up with General Assembly, theSkimm, girlboss, Fundera and Brit+Co to make your big break happen. We’re sending a lucky winner all the way to San Fran with a FREE admission ticket to the TechCrunch Disrupt SF conference, a one-on-one meeting with the OG #Girlboss herself, Sophia Amoruso, and tons of other cool stuff. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to break into the industry you want! READ MORE… | |
Sorry, not sorry, but Brooklyn isn’t amused. Crown Heights’ new Summerhill bar has rallied neighbors against them all thanks to their owner. The owner, who praises the faux bullet hole-ridden wall of the restaurant, has created a group of angry locals fighting accusations of racism and gentrification. Here’s why Crown Heights' locals still aren’t having it even after the owner’s apology. READ MORE… | |
July is seriously almost over, but you don’t have to mope around about it! This weekend, party like it’s never going to end, and fall isn’t really around the corner. Kick-off the weekend with two options for epic parties. Keep the vibes going with a concert or two. Then, to end it all, stuff you face with as much food as possible. Here’s your guide for doing all that amazing stuff. READ MORE… | |
Your weekend isn’t complete without a rooftop bar night. Bring your friends and your favorite heels because you’re invited to epic party. 3 amazing rooftop bars, 1 seriously lit party bus, and of course, all y'all! It’s this coming Saturday night, so get your tickets before you miss it! READ MORE… | |
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12E 49th St 11th Floor New York, NY 10017
There are 22 young men who want to fight for the unborn and are willing to sacrifice part of their summer to do it!
I say we harness their youthful enthusiasm and use it to convert America to be a truly Anti-abortion Nation!
Friends, your support of America Needs Fatima inspires me and I am touched with gratitude; but the truth is that evil does not take breaks or vacations and the battle is continuous.
For that reason, I want to ask you to please consider sponsoring these youngsters so we can train them to be Pro-life warriors. Click here.
OK. This is what your gift will help us accomplish:
Here is their plan which depends on help from generous souls like you:
Major stops include Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Gettysburg, and as far as Chicago.
CHICAGO: did you know?
In Chicago, they’re passing a law forcing doctors to mention the “abortion option”to every pregnant woman?
Just imagine. The Devil is the one usually tempting young mothers today to abort, to kill their own child. But now, doctors in Chicago are forced by law to team up with the Devil!
This is outrageous!
The people of Chicago deserve to hear the Anti-abortion message.
All 22 volunteers are traveling in 3 vans for at least 10 days. Just for gas, that runs about $62.00 per van, and $186.00 per day. Or $1,860.00 for 10 days.
And that is just to keep the vans running—how do we keep the boys “fueled up”?
All that youthful enthusiasm cannot run on ideals alone; these boys need 3 square meals a day.
This is what Matthew – a former pro-abortion student – said:
“You guys are the reason why I changed my mind on abortion.”
Friends, being on the streets of America…shattering the silence that is so deafening….is the type of approach that gets results.
So please let me know if you can help me keep these youngsters on the road, learning the trade of fighting the evil of abortion!
I bet you would love to be out there yourself but such may not be possible; but instead, you could help our young men stay on the road and fight the evil of abortion in America.
It is essential, for America to be great again, but it must first turn back to God.
Please see what you can do. Because your gift is crucial to change hearts and minds.
Thank you so much for considering my request.
And -- as always -- thank you for joining us in fighting the good fight.
I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,
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Robert E. Ritchie America Needs Fatima www.anf.org |
PS: In order to save money, the caravan is “roughing it” by staying at campgrounds rather than hotels; but we are still needing gas and food for the campaign.
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