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Dec. 2, 2015
Good morning from Washington, where tea party activists seek to stop the IRS from gathering donors' Social Security numbers. Melissa Quinn has the story. In a dispatch from Paris, correspondent Nolan Peterson tells how the U.N.'s climate conference may be overshadowed by global conflicts. Among commentaries, a Heritage Foundation scholar celebrates a humanist group's failure to knock down a century-old war memorial and a guest columnist calls out Planned Parenthood for trying to silence Americans after the Colorado shootings. |
NEWSThe IRS Wants Organizations to Collect Donors' Social Security Numbers. This Tea Party Group Is Fighting Back."Having gone through the [IRS] targeting [of conservative groups] because our name is Tea Party Patriots, I'm very sensitive to anything that expands the IRS' reach into nonprofits and who their donors are," said Jenny Beth Martin, the organization's president Read More |
NEWSWorldwide Conflicts Threaten to Overshadow Paris Climate SummitDaily Signal foreign correspondent Nolan Peterson reports from Paris on the long list of contemporary security concerns that threaten to overshadow the two weeks of negotiations at the climate change conference. Read More |
COMMENTARYJudge Throws Out Lawsuit Filed by Those Who Found a WWI Memorial Cross OffensiveThe lawsuit was filed by the American Humanist Association, as well as several individuals who were apparently “offended” that they had to drive by the monument and see it every day on what is a very busy highway. Read More |
NEWSPolicy Riders: What They Are, How Congress Uses Them, and Why They Matter to YouWhen appropriation bills sail through Congress, lawmakers often stow policy riders inside. This way, they can achieve policy victories that would have little chance of becoming law on their own. Read More |
COMMENTARYPlanned Parenthood Turns Tragedy Into CensorshipPlanned Parenthood is using the Colorado Springs shooter as a tool in its new censorship campaign, which can be summed up in two, increasingly familiar words: "Shut Up." Read More |
COMMENTARYWhy Paris Climate Conference Is a Throwback to 1997 Kyoto DebateEighteen years ago, the Kyoto climate protocol was debated in Congress, and back then many members questioned the science and the high price Americans would pay for little, if any, benefit from the climate agreement. Read More |
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Rikarda Katalenića-Jeretova 5
23 000 Zadar
OIB: 91774566224
Kontakt br.mob: 092/2362408, 099 /7971611
E-mail: solidarnostzadar@gmail.com
Dana 2. prosinca 2015. godine u Zadarskom listu je izišao članak pod naslovom „Bivšim radnicima uplatili tri plaće“ u kojem Dragan Bijelić, stečajni upravitelj navodi da više nema sredstava na računu riboprerađivačke tvrtke Adria za vođenje stečajnog postupka.
Udruga bivših zaposlenika «Solidarnost» Zadar već je u više navrata upozoravala stečajnog upravitela Dragana Bijelića iIvicu Blaževića, regionalnog povjerenika Sindikata PPDIV da zatraže od Trgovačkog suda u Zadru i OTP banke Zadar pravo vlasništva Adrie nad osnivačkim dionicama i naknadu štetekoje joj OTP nije isplatio.
Dalmatinska banka iz Zadra je pravna sljednica Komunalne banke koja je utemeljena 1957. godine. U skladu s tadašnjim zakonskim propisima transformira se 1965. godine u Komercijalnu banku, da bi u prosincu 1989. godine bila registrirana kao dioničko društvo pod nazivom Dalmatinska banka d.d. Potom kao Nova banka d.d., a sada pod nazivom OTP banka.
Pozivamo se na pravomoćnu PRESUDU Trgovačkog suda, posl.br.III P-280/06, od 7. ožujka 2008. godine, kada je presuđeno da se isplate dionice i naknada štete za osnivačke dionice i naknadu štete BAGAT PRECIZNOJ MEHANICI d.d. u stečaju Zadar u iznosu od 89.703.228,00 kn.
Od osnivača navedene banke samo se je jedan osnivač BAGAT PRECIZNA MEHANIKA naplatio za dionice i naknadu štete, a o drugih osnivača nitko kao ni i Adria.
Evo poštovani Bijeliću, Adria ima sredstava samo ih treba zatražiti.
U Zadru, 2. prosinca 2015. godine
Pravni savjetnik
Udruge bivših zaposlenika «Solidarnost» Zadar
mr.sc. Miljenko Marić
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