يسوع المسيح هو الطريق والحق والحياة.
وساقوا يسوع إلى رئيس الكهنة. فاجتمع إليه جميع رؤساء الكهنة والشيوخ والكتبة. وتبعه بطرس من بعيد إلى داخل دار رئيس الكهنة، وكان جالسا مع الحراس يستدفيء عند النار. وأخذ رؤساء الكهنة والمجلس الأعلى كله يبحثون عن شهادة على يسوع ليقتلوه، فلم يجدوا. فقد شهد كثيرون عليه زورا، ولكن شهاداتهم كانت متناقضة.
subota, 3. listopada 2015.
Postoji li gay lobi u Crkvi?
Today, June 3, 2015, marks 50 years of U.S. spacewalks. This image is of a spacewalk from the space shuttle's STS-116 mission. The International Space Station is flying over New Zealand and Cook Strait in the Pacific Ocean.
In a landmark speech, Warren proposes a progressive politics that protects black people from violence, ensures access to the ballot box, and builds economic opportunity.
The following paid, sponsored message was sent to you by The Nation magazine. Our advertisers help us keep the lights on and bring you world-class independent reporting and analysis all year long.
I think we can all agree, women and girls who survive the horror of rape should get the healthcare they need to recover – and that includes a safe abortion if they become pregnant and want one.
And yet women overseas who've been raped will find little help from US aid programs – all because of the gross misapplication of a 1973 law.
Instead of turning away women facing exceptional circumstances, the Obama Administration can – and must – use their power to end this practice. But they won't, unless we insist on it.
For more than 40 years, the Helms Amendment has been preventing women in some of the world's poorest countries from getting the healthcare they need. Women who have survived rape amid violent conflict, who have endured incest, or whose pregnancies could cause their death. All denied.
The exact wording of the amendment forbids that the US "pay for performance of abortion as a method of family planning."
You would think that language makes it clear that cases of rape, incest or life-endangering pregnancies are allowed. And yet, decade after decade, each President's administration has chosen to enforce an all-out ban without any exception.
The women in these situations deserve compassion and help. They are struggling to rebuild their lives after some of the most awful experiences any of us could imagine.
President Obama knows that this is an outrage – he has spoken out about the injustice of rape as a weapon of war time and again. But with just a few months left in office, just talking about this issue isn't enough.
What we do today could save the lives of countless women in the years ahead, as well as give them the dignity they deserve and need to recover. Thanks in advance for taking action.
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I am always excited for whatever role Leonardo DiCaprio throws himself into, not only because he is an incredibly talented actor, but also because the characters he chooses are like no other. And his upcoming persona is perhaps the most enigmatic of all!
Last month, we already broke the news to you that Leo will be stepping into the shoes of prolific serial killer H. H. Holmes, pushing the legendary actor to portray one of the darkest figures in American history.
But first and foremost, let's educate ourselves on who this grisly character really was. Here's everything you need to know about the infamous serial killer H. H. Holmes:
The Oregon community college mass shooter targeted Christians. The father of Anastasia Boylan, 18,, one of the students wounded during Thursday’s shooting at Umpqua Community College…
Israeli Prime minister Bibi Netanyahu brought the Internet to its knees with a powerful moment of silence in the middle of his impassioned United Nations…
President Obama wasted no time laying blame for the Umpqua Community College shooting on everything and everyone but the obvious. The president responded to the shooting…
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SINGING IN THE BATTLEFRONT “After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: ‘Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever.’ As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.” 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 The overflow of singing praises amid great difficulties has tremendous spiritual power for helping to win the spiritual battle. Paul and Silas set the biblical pattern in the prison in Philippi. Pastor Jack Hayford enjoys sharing the story as told by his favourite black preacher. Paul and Silas' prison cell singing was heard all the way to the throne room of God. He began to tap his toe to the music. And since heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool, that toe tapping created an earthquake!!! Ivan Antonov spent twenty-four years in Russian prison camps for preaching the Gospel. He later shared how he survived. I would sing hymns. I was really glad that I knew so many. I had memorized about one hundred seventy hymns, and in order not to forget them, I reviewed several every day. So over a time, I sang through all of them. I want to emphasize to my young friends that you should worship God with songs and poems and memorize them. They will come in handy...I sang hymns every morning and at night before going to bed...In those quiet [morning] hours, I would go outside in the fresh air and sing hymns of praise to God and pray. Then I went in for breakfast with everyone else. China's notable pastor Wang Ming-dao shared upon his release from prison that he frequently sang praises to God to buoy his spirits. The songs that meant the most to him were "All The Way My Saviour Leads Me" and "Safe In The Arms Of Jesus." His contemporary, Allen Yuan shared with me two songs which he repeatedly sang aloud throughout his twenty two years in prison. One was "The Old Rugged Cross" and the other "Psalm Twenty-Seven" from the Chinese Psalter. It was always an emotional highlight to hear him sing these songs. RESPONSE: Today I will sing praises to the Lord my God. PRAYER: Lord, help me to rejoice and sing praises to You, especially when I feel the challenges of spiritual warfare.
“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25
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She encouraged all believers to look at the example left by these students.
Postoji li takozvani gay lobi u Crkvi? Prema iskazu samog pape Franje on postoji u samom Vatikanu.
Pitanje je samo ima li utjecaja na Svetu Stolicu i koliko. Budući da Sinoda o obiteljipočinje sutra, a radni dokument predviđa i raspravu o odnosu prema homoseksualnosti, ono što se izdogađalo u samo zadnjih 24 sata sugerira da ovaj lobi radi punom parom. Stvari su se odvile kao u nekom lošem filmu.
Prvo, tek što je pater Federico Lombardi, ravnatelj Tiskovnog ureda Svete Stolice objavio da je jedina papina „audijencija“ u Nuncijaturi u Washingtonu bila s jednim njegovim starim učenikom i njegovom obitelji – pa se time ogradili od sastanka s Kim Davis, službenicom u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama koja je odbila potpisati bračne dozvole za osobe istoga spola, nakon što je američki Vrhovni sud nedavno istospolne brakove proglasio ustavnim pravom – pojavio se u medijima baš taj stari papin prijatelj i bivši mu student Yayo Grassi. Slučajno ili ne, od svih papinih starih prijatelja iz Argentine, baš su jedan homoseksualac i njegov partner s kojim živi već 19 godina primljeni kod Pape neposredno prije početaka Sinode. I čovjek je susret uredno snimio kamerom pa video uradak predao u ruke CNN-u. Istina je da se svojedobno Grassi oštro naljutio na svog prijatelja kada je budući papa izjavio da je gay brak djelo samog Sotone, ali čini se da su ipak ostali u dobrim odnosima.
Druga vijest koja je odjeknula kao bomba prije samog početka Sinode je ta da je mladi svećenik iz Poljske, monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa ‘izašao iz odmara‘, ili kako se to već kaže, i u također smišljenom video uratku, strastveno zatražio promjene u crkvenom učenju o homoseksualnosti. To možda i ne bi bila neka velika vijest da dotični svećenik nije član Kongregacije za nauk vjere, tajnik u međunarodnoj teološkoj komisiji i profesor bioetike na Gregoriani u Rimu. I on će danas, dan prije početka Sinode, održati konferenciju za tisak kako bi uputio svoj apel delegatima na Sinodi.
Naravno, obje priče je danas uredno objavila naša novinska agencija HINA, pa se brzo šire po svim novinama i portalima – vidi ovdje i ovdje. S druge strane, katolički mediji s pravom istodobno vrše ‘damage control’, vidi ovdje i ovdje.
Jesu li ovi događaji smišljeno isplanirani ne znam. Hoće li oni utjecati na rasprave na samoj Sinodi tek ćemo vidjeti. Ali cilj je nedvojben. Traži se prihvaćanje homoseksualnih odnosa od strane Crkve, te konkretne promjene u jeziku i izričaju koji se u Katekizmu odnosi na njih.
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