From Left/Front row:
Furio Radin, Milorad Pupovac, Andrej Plenkovic
Photo: V.P.P./ Hina
Furio Radin, Milorad Pupovac, Andrej Plenkovic
Photo: V.P.P./ Hina
At the time of its formation in 1990 Croatian parliament and a rather large number of NGO institutions were devised and established in such a way that Croatia’s diverse population in the ethnic sense was and remains rather well represented. There are currently eight (out of 151) seats in parliament dedicated to representing ethnic minorities living in Croatia … Many have and will say that the extent to which ethnic or racial minorities are present in legislatures can be viewed as a litmus test for the effectiveness of a country’s democratic system. However, Croatia has the troublesome misfortune of having to deal with and accommodate into its democracy and parliament an ethnic minority – Serb – that attacked the Croatian majority and other non-Serbs in Croatia and committed war crimes in the early 1990’s against the Croatian people and their property in order take one third of Croatia’s sovereign land for the purposes of creating a Serb, ethnically clean republic that would eventually be attached to Serbia. As such, a number of ethnic minorities in Croatia have not been contributing towards the development of a democratic system in Croatia but have most often tugged the ropes their way with view to securing individual benefits. This is certainly no enviable situation for any democracy let alone Croatia where the perpetually elected leaders of the two largest ethnic minorities - Serb (Milorad Pupovac) and the Italian (Furio Radin) – are still ideologically and practically loaded with communist Yugoslavia agenda and, to boot, the Serb minority with the help of Serbia continues its irritating, angering and utterly unjust quest of trying to equate the Homeland War aggressor with the victim. The ethnic minority part represented by Pupovac do not appear as living in and holding Croatia as their homeland, as their country, but ethnic minority that still in many ways primarily identifies with Serbia and, in many ways the same could be said for the Italian minority led by Radin. Although there are 3 parliamentary seats representing the Serb minority in Croatia the one Pupovac sits on is the loudest, the obnoxiously divisive one that, sadly, gets relatively most left-leaning media coverage.
Last week, Friday 23 September, both Pupovac and Radin have expressed views that they would not collaborate with the new government of Croatia if it re-appoints Zlatko Hasanbegovic as minister for culture. Their apparent sense of self-importance is so obscene that they assume their power includes making decisions about government cabinet members even if they are not in the political party that won majority seats in parliament. They, like a large slice of communist Yugoslavia fans in Croatia and outside, that keep fighting against prosecution of communist crimes and keep calling those who advocate for lustration as well as prosecution of communist crimes – nationalists and Ustashe (as in WWII Ustashe regime in Croatia) – keep promoting the new anti-Croatian trend, which says that under HDZ government Croatia has moved far-right and revisionist inclinations are gathering more and more ground. Zlatko Hasanbegovic has been the one “copping” most of of the "blame" for this vicious construct of defamation and vilification against Croatia and, yet – he remains the brightest light Croatia has had in the parliament for quite a while that keeps insisting on unraveling the truth in Croatia’s history. Having in mind the cruel divisions and utterly unfair agenda behind accusing without foundation in facts Croatian minister for culture Hasanbegovic of revisionism, the two leaders of ethnic minorities (Pupovac and Radin) are perpetuating, as well as other cruel agendas, like equating aggressor with the victim or defending/justifying communist crimes, and amplified by the rhetoric of these two ethnic minorities representatives (and at times others),it is blatantly clear that the word “ethnic” – as in ethnic minorities – has outlived its usefulness in Croatia.
The word “ethnic” has become divisive and derogatory in more ways than one.
Croatian government, and parliament, would do well by turning their efforts away from the political and practical pursuits of engaging in business of seeing what benefit an individual ethnic minority might receive and turning towards the agenda of seeing what individual ethnic minorities will and can contribute to Croatia as a whole. Indeed, the government must be and is committed to ensuring that all Croatian citizens have an opportunity to be active and equal participants in the Croatian society, free to live their lives and maintain their cultural traditions – this is enshrined in Croatia’s laws and the constitution. It’s just that the existence of ethnic minority representatives in parliament has led to an unwanted result: instead of uniting Croatian citizens it mainly divides them as ethnic minority agendas are not often in harmony with Croatian national interests.Indeed, many – including myself - believe that having an ethnic Member of Parliament has led to high expectations among members of their ethnic community about what will be achieved for them. For the second time in one year Croatia has held general elections and both times a minority HDZ/Croatian Democratic Union led government formed, although forming the new one has not yet happened as HDZ continues coalition discussions with various smaller parties and independents. It is at such times of minority government that the existence of reserved (dedicated) seats contradicts the strict electoral equality of one-vote, one-value and challenge the ‘liberal, individualist notion of political equality’. The fear that a representative holding a dedicated seat may control the balance of power – a scenario seen as lending too much power to a minority group. It is also a scenario capable of causing division within the community, particularly if it is possible for a member to be elected to a dedicated seat with fewer votes than are needed to be elected to a general seat. Allocating seats on the basis of ‘skin colour, ethnicity or any other trait, could by definition be seen as threatening democracy’s principles... it threatens to encourage tokenism and discrimination. HDZ and its leader Andrej Plenkovic would do well in steering away from forming a government with ethnic minority representatives. The past quarter of a century has shown that this causes more damage than good for Croatian national interests. Having ethnic minorities dedicated seats for representation in the parliament for a quarter of a century in Croatia has evidently and essentially given a rise to a reality that tells us that the balance that is struck between the representation of minorities, and the maintenance and development of an overarching sense of national identity and purpose is detrimentally wrong. The fact that the Croatian parliament also has 3 seats dedicated to Croatian citizens living abroad in the diaspora does not present the same problematic issues primarily because these seats are for electorates where Croatian citizens live regardless of their ethnic make-up. If anything, there should be at least 3 more dedicated seats to Croatians living in the overseas diaspora (not living in the neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina) as their population is almost as large as the one in Croatia and the agenda of Croatian government to encourage Croats living abroad to return to Croatia and/or invest in Croatian economy is omnipresent. Croatian parliament appears in an urgent need of re-grouping so its every seat represents all people living in every electorate regardless of their ethnic make-up and the enactment of laws that would see the establishment of government department and non-government organisations responsible to an appropriate minister of the government (ideally a minister for ethnic affairs) for dealing with matters arising from or exclusive to ethnic origins or cultural/religious practices of citizens. Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)
According to the decision of the Croatian National Ethics Court, for Vesna Pusic, Milorad Pupovac and Stjepan Mesic, now has made the official verdict - their actions were directed against Croatian national interests. "It is difficult to predict the effect of this judgment, but one thing is certain, this person should not hold jobs that today are performing. Vesna Pusic began even as a young person to work against Croatian national interests, and as far as Stjepan Mesic, he, together with Pusic, sided with Serbia and headed to equate victims with the aggressors. These people do not behave ethically acceptable, Mesic also secretly went to testify against Croatian, Tudjman and in the end, the Croatian generals, "he told us President HNES's, Zvonimir Separovic, adding that the next in line - Josip Broz Tito and the fact how the communist regime was military.Emberesment statements Vesna Pusic visit the world! Vesna Pusic has already been convicted of high treason by the Croatian national ethical Court for statements and actions which were directed against Croatian national interests and the Croatian state. Now to his feet and raised in Argentina, namely the Argentine Croats by Vesna Pusic very humiliated and hurt by his statement. Her statement was so outrageous that it will be on Sunday 14 February in the midst of Argentina in Buenos Aires held a large protest against the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and its statement that shocked the Croatians all over the planet. Argentine Croats declared former Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic "persona non grata" and to protest against the respective calling all Croats and their descendants. Vesna Pusic brutally were offended by the statement that the Bleiburg 'are not all innocent victims, but not judicial process declared krivim'.Na session Board of Croatian associations and institutions in Argentina and it was decided that the Argentine Croats Croatian Parliament propose prosecution Vesna Pusic who require because of its 'justification of genocide'.
Prema odluci Hrvatskog nacionalnog etičkog sudišta, za Vesnu Pusić, Milorada Pupovca i Stjepana Mesića, sada je donesena i službena presuda – njihovo djelovanje bilo je usmjereno protiv hrvatskih nacionalnih interesa. ”Teško je predvidjeti učinak ove presude, ali jedno je sigurno, ovakve osobe ne bi trebale obnašati dužnosti koje danas obnašaju. Vesna Pusić počela je još kao mlada osoba raditi protiv hrvatskih nacionalnih interesa, a što se tiče Stjepana Mesića, on je zajedno s Pusić, stao na stranu Srbije i krenuo izjednačavati žrtve s agresorima. Ove osobe etički se ne ponašaju prihvatljivo, Mesić je tako u tajnosti išao svjedočiti protiv Hrvatske, Tuđmana i na kraju, hrvatskih generala”, ispričao nam je predsjednik HNES-a, Zvonimir Šeparović i dodaje kako je sljedeći na redu – Josip Broz Tito i činjenica kako je komunistički režim bio zločinački. Sramotne izjave Vesne Pusić obilaze svijet! Vesna Pusić već je osuđena za veleizdaju od strane Hrvatskog nacionalnog etičkog sudišta zbog izjava i djelovanja koje je bilo usmjereno protiv hrvatskih nacionalnih interesa i države Hrvatske. Sada se na noge digla i Argentina, točnije argentinski Hrvati koje je Vesna Pusić jako ponizila i povrijedila svojom izjavom. Njezina izjava toliko je skandalozna da će se u nedjelju 14. veljače usred Argentine u Buenos Airesu održati veliki prosvjed protiv bivše ministrice vanjskih poslova i njezine izjave koja je zgrozila Hrvate diljem planeta. Argentinski Hrvati proglasili su bivšu ministricu vanjskih poslova Vesnu Pusić “personom non grata”, a na prosvjed protiv dotične pozivaju sve Hrvate i njihove potomke. Vesna Pusić brutalno ih je uvrijedila izjavom da na Bleiburgu ‘nisu svi nevine žrtve, već nisu sudskim procesom proglašeni krivim’.Na sjednici Međudruštvenog odbora hrvatskih udruga i ustanova u Argentini odlučeno je i da će argentinski Hrvati Hrvatskom saboru predložiti kazneni progon Vesne Pusić koji zahtijevaju zbog njezina ‘opravdanja genocida’.
Priopćenje za javnost
Hrvatsko nacionalno etičko sudište (HNES) poziva građane da izvrše svoju građansku dužnost i pristupe izborima za Hrvatski Sabor u nedjelju 11. rujna 2016. U toj prigodi želimo podsjetiti:
- Da je Parlamentarna Skupština Vijeća Europe, svojim deklaracijama osudila komunističke zločine,
- Da je slijedom toga Hrvatski Sabor 2006. godine donio Deklaraciju o osudi zločina počinjenih tijekom totalitarnog komunističkog poretka u Hrvatskoj 1945.-1990. godine u kojoj ee Hrvatski Sabor pridružio Parlamentarnoj Skupštini Vijeća Europe u snažnoj osudi masovnog kršenja ljudskih prava od strane totalitarnih komunističkih režima i istodobno izrazio „sućut,, razumijevanje i priznanje žrtvama tih zločina u Republici Hrvatskoj, Europi i svijetu“
- Da Hrvatki Sabor ne samo da nije donio zakon o lustraciji, već je u vrijeme vlasti SDPove koalicije donio sramotan zakon tzv. Lex Perković kako bi spriječili izručenje Perkovića i Mustaća njemačkom sudu,
- Da je njemački sud u Munchenu 3. kolovoza 2016. osudio ne samo spomenutu dvojicu za organiziranje ubojstva hrvatskog rodoljuba Stjepana Đurekovića, već i čitav komunistički režim kao zločinački,
- Da je HNES etički osudio, Stjepana Mesića, Ivu Josipovića, Zorana Milanovića, Vesnu Pusić, Budimira Lončara, Milorada Pupovca, Vesnu Teršelić, Vojislava Stanimirovića i Josipa Broza i njegove sljedbenike, za veleizdaju hrvatskih nacionalnih interesa;
- unatoč etičkim osudama Zoran Milanović, Vesna Pusić i Stjepan Mesić nalaze se na izbornim listama, a Pupovac predvodi srpsku manjinsku listu, koju je u Hrvatskom Saboru predao Vojislav Stanimirović, također etički osuđen
- da je tički osuđena Vesna Pusić na listi 'narodne koalicije', premda je i na upozorenjeHNES-a propala u pokušju da bude kandidatkinjom za najviše mjesto u UN.
Da bismo pridonijeli dobru ugrožene nam hrvatske Domovine birajmo,kao odgovorni članovi našeg hrvatskog društva, moralne osobe koje će znati zastupati hrvatske nacionalne interese, koji će se voditi općim dobrom, a ne vlastitim osobnim interesom. U Staroj su Ateni one koji nisu brinuli o općim interesima smatrali beskorisnim. Budimo korisni građani - izađimo na izbore u nedjelju 11. rujna! Za Hrvatsko nacionalno etičko sudište: Predsjednik: dr. Zvonimir Šeparović Dopredsjednici dr. Nikola Debelić i dr. Zdravko Tomac Članovi Predsjedništva: prof. Nevenka Nekić, Zorica Gregorić i Ante Beljo
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