Yep, Donald Trump definitely hit the nail on the head with this one. This is exactly why he's amassed such a large following... Do you think Trump had a good debate? Read more...

This female passenger was taking a nap when suddenly she woke up with a start. She felt something slimy on her legs. And when she looked around, the man seated next to her confirmed her worst nightmare had come true. ..." Read more...
Hillary will want to go and hide after she sees this. It would be hilarious if it weren't so terrifying... If you want to keep Hillary out of the White House, you can help by spreading this video. Read more...

This former Marine turned school teacher is now getting death threats after 1 interaction he had with a black student. If you can't do this to a student without getting death threats, we're in worse trouble than any of us realize. This is insane. ..." Read more...

This moderator came under heavy fire for his train wreck performance during last night's debate, and he just responded to the criticism with four words that are taking EVERYONE by surprise... Do you think the moderators were the worst part of the debate? ..." Read more...

This family was on vacation when the dad snapped a sweet picture of his daughter. But what they saw once they looked closer at the picture sent a chill down their spine. This is SO creepy. ..." Read more...

It wasn't something the cameras showed, and his supporters are having a field day with it... Do you think Ted Cruz was one of the best during last night's Republican debate? ..." Read more...

Yet another debate, yet another pathetic attempt by the liberal mainstream media to paint the... ..." Read more...

This man asked to take a picture with a cop, but there's something startling in the photo that is NOT sitting right with people... ..." Read more...

BREAKING: The Mexican military just went rogue at the Texas border... and an American toddler just got caught up in it. Donald J. Trump is right. Build a wall NOW and send the military to the border to defend our nation. Do you agree with Trump that it's time to build a wall? ..." Read more...

I can't blame him one bit for doing this. I would have done the same thing, and I'm not even a campaign manager! Do you think CNBC's moderators embarrassed themselves last night? ..." Read more...

This mom and her daughter were in Target when a black teen walked up to the daughter and started behaving in an "odd" way. What the teen did next left the mother in tears, frantically trying to find where the teen had gone. ..." Read more...