četvrtak, 21. siječnja 2016.

Review: Soaking up sunlight with the Solartab solar charger


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Detailed seafloor gravity map brings the Earth's surface into sharp focus
Not so long ago the ocean floor was as unknown as the far side of the Moon. Now, an international team of scientists is using satellite data to chart the deep ocean by measuring the Earth's gravitational field.   read more
Review: Soaking up sunlight with the Solartab solar charger
Solar panels come in a variety of guises designed to appeal to consumers looking for ways to fuel electronics on the go. Prominent among these is Solartab, a portable solar charger and back-up-battery. So how does it perform?  read more
Project R2R building new reel-to-reel tape machine
Analog music formats like vinyl are on the rise, with US sales in 2015 up 30 percent on the previous year. Austria's Horch House says that when it comes to analog, you can't beat reel-to-reel tape and has announced its intention to develop a new consumer reel-to-reel player.  read more
Blue Forest hatches nest-shaped treehouse development
British treehouse expert Blue Forest recently unveiled its plan to construct a low-impact vacation home development in the UK. Dubbed Nesting, it features treehouses based on the shape of the Weaver bird's nest.  read more
WaveWrecker turns you into an Oompa Loompa-like surfboard
Perhaps the most interesting style of wearable tech is the category of wearables that turns you into a piece of action sports equipment. The WaveWrecker joins the category as a wearable surf suit that turns the bodysurfer into his own board.  read more
NASA crowdsources design ideas for its new ISS-bound robot
As NASA prepares to launch a new free-flying robot called Astrobee to the ISS, it is crowdsourcing design concepts for one of machine's more noteworthy features, a robotic arm to be used for perching and interacting with objects.   read more
Tracing automotive bloodlines: Gizmag goes exploring at Dutton Garage
The cream of today's technologically advanced automotive crop would not exist without the supercars of the past – cars that took risks with crazy styling, innovative technology and a desire to go faster than anyone else had gone before.  read more
Adidas promises better ball control with its first laceless soccer boot
Adidas has done away with a staple of most covered footwear and launched a laceless football boot that's to be worn in-game by some of the world's top players this weekend.  read more
Painless electrical zaps may replace dental anesthesia needles
​As much as some people fear getting dental fillings or root canals, what many of them are really afraid of is the needle that delivers the anesthetic into the mouth tissue. Before long, however, a shot of electricity could make those needles unnecessary.​  read more
Pneumatic tech could bring affordable full-page braille tablets to reality
​Suppose you had a tablet that only displayed one line of text at a time. It would be pretty frustrating, but it's a limitation that blind users of braille-displaying devices are faced with constantly. Thanks to new technolog, however, full-page braille tablets could soon be on their way.​  read more
Researchers can now image the flow of energy in nuclear fusion ignition attempts
An international team of researchers has inched the dream of controlled nuclear fusion one step closer to reality, creating a method by which energy dispersal can be observed during ignition attempts, paving the way for improved energy delivery during the process. read more
Doctors can now use an app to better predict preterm birth risk
Despite huge improvements in prenatal care, premature births are still a big problem across the globe. Researchers have worked on a new predictive tool for doctors, bringing together different data sets and building an app that can be used to assess risk of preterm birth on a case-by-case basis.  read more
Peugeot Citroen says third-party tests confirm BlueHDi SCR tech for diesel emissions
Initial results of Peugeot 208 and 508 model testing by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy comply with new regulations thanks to new technology. The results, says Peugeot Citroen, confirm the effectiveness of the BlueHDi after-treatment system for diesel exhaust.  read more
Mini Bar/Barstow system shoves a chain tool up your handlebar
​In order to remain compact, most of today's cycling multitools lack a chain-repair tool. Mineral Design has addressed that limitation, with its Mini Bar and Barstow system. It consists of a multi-bit wrench, paired up with a chain tool that sits inside the handlebar.​  read more
Save Hours Every Week with EasilyDo Intelligent Virtual Assistant — 90% off Lifetime Access
This app is more than just a virtual assistant: EasilyDo is a life-hack that saves you hours and hours of time over the span of your lifetime subscription. Instead of wading through emails and logging onto your favorite e-comm site to get your tracking info, EasilyDo presents it for you. Any changes to your travel itinerary? EasilyDo will send you a notification without you having to check in.  read more

Google Maps daje Street View tretman najvećih svjetskih modela željeznice
Od pokretanja 2007. godine, Google Street View je proširen da uključuje stvari kao što su koraljni grebeni, pješačkih staza i rijeke Amazone. U svom najnovijem "off-road" avanturu, međutim, Google Maps koristili minijaturnu Street View kamera vizualno map model željeznica. Opširnije
Pregled: 2016 BMW 340i, na vrhu serije 3
BMW serije 3 je dugo bio presedan za srednje luksuzni sedan tržištu. Kombinirajući najbolje od njemačkih luksuznih sportske vožnje u jednom paketu, to je dugo bio limuzina pobijediti. 3 serije vidi nekoliko ažuriranja zadržati ovu Driving Machine ispred. Opširnije
IK ima cilj mobilni studio s ruksak-friendly iLoud Micro monitori
Na ovogodišnjem NAMM show, IK Multimedia je dodao ono što je rekao da je "najmanji studio referentni sustav praćenja u svijetu" svoje iLoud raspon zvučnika. U iLoud mikro monitori su izvijestili da dostavi fantastične jasan i precizan zvuk. Opširnije
Droppler prati potrošnju vode, služi kao kamera i zvučnik
Mnogi dijelovi svijeta se suočavaju neviđenu nestašica vode. Dizajn tim sa sjedištem u sušom voziti Kaliforniji je došao gore sa novim uređajem kako bi se ljudi troše manje vode. Droppler slavine u ljudskom umu potaknuti promjenu ponašanja. Opširnije
Kadabra postaviti donijeti malo magije elektronskoj stvaranju glazbe
Tim izraelskih proizvođača i glazbenika je ušao u elektronskoj glazbi stvaranje arenu s Kadabra, bežični drveni instrument koji je rekao da bi novi pristup stvaranju glazbe i obavljanje. Opširnije
Pregled: Turcom Cyberview mini pruža sigurnost, ali uz ograničenja
Turcom Cyberview Mini je plug-and-play kamera s naglaskom na brzo postavljanje i proširivost. Priključen smo jedan u da vidi što se može učiniti. Opširnije
Route-softver za planiranje vodi autonomne trutovi kroz pretrpan prostora
Među mnogim znanstvenicima koji rade na izbjegavanje sudara sustava za trutovi je tim znanstvenika MIT, koji su razvili ruta-planiranje softver koji omogućuje zrakoplov kako bi zapetljan skretanja samostalno ploviti uske prostore. opširnije
Red Bull lanci gore i utrka F1 automobila o Kitzbühel skijališta
Ne može ići dolje kao jedan od najboljih Red Bull zaustave ikad, ali ono što definitivno kvalificira kao zanimljiv korištenja Red Bull F1 automobila, Toro Rosso vozač Max Verstappen stekao i pao bacili na svjetski poznate padinama Kitzbühel, Austrija , 800 KS RWD Red Bull RB7 sigurno izgleda cool radi. Opširnije
Električno obučeni mišićne stanice dobiti oštećena srca crpne
Znanstvenici su izvještavanje važan napredak u nastojanju da se regenerira oštećenu srčanog tkiva s ugrađenih stanicama, pokazujući prvi put da je električno poticajnu ove nove stanice mogu dati njihov razvoj kritički poticaj. opširnije
Smartphone upravljani Nao + prednjih svjetala nudi personaliziranu rasvjeta u letu
U "Najpametniji svjetski glavno svjetlo" postaje pametniji. Petzl predstavio svoj ​​jalove Nao prednje svjetlo natrag u 2012, a sada se vratio s nadogradnju, NDO +. Opširnije
Mris uskoro mogao biti brži i sigurniji
Dok MR-skenovi ne smije izlagati pacijenata na ionizirajućeg zračenja nalazi u X-zrakama, još uvijek su potencijalno štetne. Zahvaljujući novom istraživanju, međutim, da se uskoro više neće biti problem. - Osim toga, skeniranje bi moglo biti brže i proizvesti kvalitetnije slike opširnije
Oristand, 25 $ stoji stol za mase
Oristand je kartonska stoji stol po cijeni od samo 25 $. Budući da je od kartona ima svoje mane, ali niska cijena je definitivno plus to znači da svatko može koristiti Oristand. Opširnije
"Internet of bespilotnih letjelica" mogla biti sljedeća generacija kontrole zračnog prometa
Svijet je spreman za eksploziju autonomnih pokretnih uređaja. To je dovelo tim inženjera sa Sveučilišta Waterloo u Kanadi izraditi konceptualni okvir za "internet od trutovi". Opširnije
BMW Labs portalu ide uživo spojiti upravljačke programe na Internet stvari
BMW Labs je otvorio svoj ​​javni portal koji omogućuje ConnectedDrive usluge povezati IFTTT (ako je ovaj tada) za BMW vozača i njihovih pametnih telefona. Usluga i dodaje funkcionalnost i omogućuje BMW Labs unaprijediti nove usluge uvijek se razvija, povezivanje aplikacije zajedno dok su u pokretu. Opširnije
Najsvjetliji galaksija ikad otkrivena može se razdire
Najsvjetliji galaksija ikad otkrivena može biti u samom procesu razdire. WISE J224607.57-052635.0 (W2246-0526) se vjeruje da je svjetliji od 300 bilijuna Sunca, međutim supermasivne crne rupe u središtu galaksije također može biti odgovorna za drastično transformacije. Opširnije
Ye-T Warmpad pretvara prijenosna cigle u grijači za noge
Nova osobna oprema omogućuje zajednički mobilni uređaj za obavljanje dvostruko dužnost. Ye-T Warmpad je dizajniran za tople noge s topline koju laptop zidne punjača. Opširnije
UBSafe govori kada tražiti hlad
Novi UV-monitoring uređaj može pomoći da neke od nagađanja iz znajući koliko vremena provesti na suncu. Nosi na šešir je UBSafe mogu vam reći kada je vaš tip kože posebno je imao samo pravo iznos od UVB zraka.Opširnije
Topivih senzori uskoro bi se mogla koristiti za bežično praćenje ljudski mozak
Čak 50.000 ljudi umre od ozljeda mozga u SAD-u svake godine, ali je oprema koja se koristi za praćenje stvari kao intrakranijski tlak je desetljećima stara. Tim istraživača je radio stvoriti novi senzor koji je daleko manje invazivan i mnogo sigurnije nego postojeće tehnologije. Opširnije
Odg a smartglasses su kao high-end Android tableta za lice (hands-on)
Proveli smo neko vrijeme na CES druženje s Odg, kreatora najviše badass smartglasses ove strane Hololens. Naočale i dalje su usmjerene prvenstveno na poslovne korisnike i programere, ali ako oni becomeconsumer proizvode, postoji dobra šansa da ste idući u ištanje par. Opširnije
Dva World Trade Center u velikim problemima?
Nalik skup stog igračaka blokova, Big je neobično Dva World Trade Center je izgledao spreman da postane budućnost NYC orijentir. Ipak, Wall Street Journal navodi da stanari News Corp i 21. Century Fox su izvukli iz projekta, ostavljajući svoju budućnost u dvojbi.Opširnije
Platiti ono što želite za ovaj Deset tečaj koder Bundle
Tehnologija kreće brže nego što smo znali, a to je bitno ostati up-to-date o najnovijim trendovima i vještina. Ovaj paket će vas naučiti točno ono što trebate znati postići top kodiranja posao, da li ste u potrazi proširiti svoje znanje programiranja ili početak potpunosti od nule. Možete odabrati cijenu, možete odabrati budućnost želite. Opširnije

The Solar System may really have nine planets
There's good news for those who were annoyed when Pluto was knocked off the list of planets. According to a pair of scientists at Caltech, there may actually be nine planets in the Solar System after all.   read more
Review: Skipping taxi lines with EcoReco's M5 Air electric scooter
Getting around Las Vegas during CES week can be a painful exercise, but our time using the EcoReco M5 Air scooter made for a decent alternative to standing in taxi lines. If you live in a city that's more friendly to personal transport, it can be much more than that. read more
Leica goes underwater with the X-U (Typ 113) camera
Leica has revealed its first rugged and waterproof camera designed especially for outdoor use with the new X-U (Typ 113). The high-quality fixed prime lens camera features a 16-megapixel APS-C sensor and a 23-mm F1.7 lens, while being shock-resistant, dust-sealed, and waterproof.  read more
DARPA looks at revolutionizing neural interface implants
​DARPA has announced a program aimed at developing a cutting edge neural implant capable of forming a communication bridge between a human brain and a biocompatible device. It is hoped that technology, developed under the program, will have a wide range of applications in research and healthcare. read more
Motorized, self-inflating, stand-up paddleboard goes fishing
After a successful Kickstarter last year, Slovenian company SipaBoards has launched an updated self-inflating motorized stand-up paddleboard model that caters toward fishermen. It's available for pre-order now for US$1,990.  read more
Amazon Dash is now live, automatically reorders household supplies
Your smart appliances can now handle the exhausting task of shopping for you. With Amazon’s Dash Replenishment Service, connected devices in your home or office automatically reorder from Amazon when supplies run low.​  read more
Lithium-ion battery warms itself in cold environments to maintain performance
In an advance that could have ramifications for everything from electric vehicles to space exploration, researchers have built an all-climate lithium battery that warms itself up to battle the winter chill. ​  read more
Robotic 3D printer on wheels looks to fill the potholes of the future
Startup Addibots is looking to help cut the man hours required to maintain our cities, wheeling out a roving 3D printing robot it imagines will scoot around town mending dodgy road surfaces.   read more
First high speed laser communication satellite set for launch
Space-based laser communications​​ are moving out of the testing phase and into orbit as the first satellite in the European DAta Relay System (EDRS), or SpaceDataHighway, prepares for launch at the end of January.  read more
Bindio lets cyclists leave their lock at home
​There's no denying that good-quality bike locks tend to be heavy, plus they're often awkward to carry. While we have seen efforts to make them lighter and less obtrusive, GreyNut has gone a step farther – its Bindio system simply places the lock at a parking spot at the cyclist's destination.​  read more
FAROS drone climbs the walls to find fires
Fires in high-rises can be particularly deadly. With that in mind, researchers have created the flying, wall-climbing, fire-resistant FAROS quadcopter. It's designed to ascertain the source of a fire as soon as possible, along with the locations of people trapped within the building.  read more
Giant clams could inspire better color displays and solar cells
Researchers have discovered that giant clams may hold the key to improving solar cells and color displays. The new findings indicate that giant clams produce a white coloration by combining red, green and blue light, in a manner similar to what occurs in television and smartphone displays.​  read more
Light-activated quantum dots successfully combat drug-resistant bacteria
New research being conducted at the University of Colorado Boulder has found that tiny particles known as quantum dots might be useful in tackling antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which cause in excess of 23,000 deaths in the US every year.   read more
Breaking down humanity's contribution to climate change
An international team of researchers has analyzed almost 40 years worth of data in order to quantify exactly what fraction of the change can be attributed to mankind based on events and trends in different regions.  read more
Europe's largest department store will be split into four
Rotterdam's OMA has been given the nod to extensively renovate Berlin's famous Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) department store. The firm will mostly focus on modernizing the interior by splitting it into four sections, but a distinctive new glass roof will also be added.  read more
Audi gears up Brussels plant for production of first electric SUV
Audi is getting its production plant in Brussels ready to produce the first purely electric sport utility vehicle in the brand’s lineup. A rotation of line production for other models will make way for the Audi e-tron SUV, including the battery-electric vehicle’s batteries.  read more
Improve Your Wi-Fi Coverage with 87% off NetSpot Pro for Mac
NetSpot lets you visualize, optimize, and troubleshoot your wireless networks with any MacBook so you can get the best connection possible at all times. Use the mapping feature to view dead zones and optimize hotspot placement, and use the troubleshooting tool to identify connectivity issues. With NetSpot Pro, you’ll never miss a beat, post, or important email even when your Internet is acting up.  read more

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