srijeda, 12. kolovoza 2015.


“Freedom, once so embedded in the hearts of all Americans, was surrendered by Americans who believed the sinister men who were determined to enslave them. It was to be for a limited time only, we were assured. But tyrants never relinquish the powers they have gained; they incorporate them into perpetual law. It was done so quietly, so skillfully. A nation will fight when its full liberty is threatened, and the full plot exposed. But if liberties are subdued, little by little, no provocation for a nationwide revolt is given. Like thieves in the night, who move stealthily and without sound, so did the evil men move in your former free government, robbing away the heart and the body of your liberty, denuding your homes of its treasures, slowly stifling your tongues, imperceptibly silencing your press. They invaded the schoolrooms of your children, poisoning and debasing their minds, twisting them to their purposes so that future generations would know nothing of honor or pride and the might of free men. But you were not guiltless. “Do not believe that this was just a plot in America. It started far back in history, in 1917, with the Bolshevik revolution. Like the black plague of the soul, it seeped into Germany, into Scandinavia, into Britain, into France, into South America and Asia and Africa. It was a nightmare and deathly disease with many names. It was called Fascism and Communism, People’s Democracies and Socialism, the Welfare State and totalitarianism and authoritarianism. In America, it was called Progressive Democracy. (NOTE: The most recent book I’ve read i.e., 1990 - calls it Democratic Socialism.) But it was the same foul disease that blinded and sickened a whole world, and made the whole world slave. It was the same abominable illness of the spirit, the same madness, that plunged an entire planet into endless wars and degradation and despair. It had for its object the unlimited power of a few men, working together in every nation even while they were ostensibly enemies, and even while their respective nations were engaged in combat against each other. “There was no quarrel among these arch-devils of death and ruin; there was only complete understanding. They knew that man cannot be enslaved in a peaceful society, prosperous and full of ambition and hope. So they plotted wars with each other; they blew away the natural resources of the earth, for their wars, which were not against each other, but against their own people. They outlawed God, for a people staunch in their faith will not renounce their liberties and they will not engage in wars. But you, the people of America, were not guiltless of all this. “We, in America, were not guiltless. For decades, we saw the disease spreading in Europe and Asia, and many of us knew when the infection had reached our own country. But too many of us were greedy; we saw opportunities for individual gain and profit if we supported the emerging tyrants in Washington. Tyrants are so full of pleasant promises; they are so skillful in false suspicions, false hatreds, false envies, and natural human greed. When we Americans should have stood together, defying with our votes and our voices and our anger each tyrant as he appeared, we turned our innate and instinctive jealousies and dislikes upon our neighbors. We betrayed each other. The disease entered our souls, and we sold our honor for a handful of silver, whether we were workingmen or capitalists, farmers or bankers, bureaucrats or clerks, industrialists or shopkeepers. “...In the first years of this century (now the last century) Americans were free and prideful and independent. We were an ambitious people, and any social injustices were being slowly but steadily eliminated. We were a kind and generous people, guardful of our liberties. But, after 1917, the black plague spread over Europe, and we were infected long before 1939, when a new and deliberately plotted war broke out. We were infected in the very halls of Congress, in the very inmost chambers of Washington. The disease was already in our flesh, and its foul breath was already in the mouths of our children, and its cries were ringing in every schoolroom, every college, decades before we were plunged into this series of wars which have lasted over twenty years. We were a diseased nation long before we were slaves. We were impotent before we knew we were impotent. “God has had mercy upon us, though we have committed monstrous sins against each other as well as against the world. God has brought us to this day, (in the story, America has just re-won its freedom after a long dictatorship) though we are not worthy of it. For many years, He has stimulated the hearts and the souls of a few free and just men, who have worked among you, unknown to you. He gave them a lash with which to arouse you. He gave them words to awaken you. He gave them courage to deliver up their lives for you, though you were not worthy of it. You betrayed them to your oppressors and your tyrants, but still they loved you. You called them ‘traitors’ and ‘subversives,’ when they cried out to you that the walls of your nation were tumbling into the seas of tyranny and death. When they warned you on the day religion was turned against religion, and race against race, in America, you laughed at them and denounced them as ‘dividers of the country.’ When they cried to you that States Rights were being abrogated, you shouted ‘Unity!’ at them, and beat them down, and silenced them. When they exposed the causes of wars to you, and the plot against you in those wars, you jeered at them with such epithets as ‘isolationists’ or ‘pacifists.’ While you still had a measure of liberty and could vote vile tyrants and corrupt men out of office, you listened, instead, to the promises of those men, and you voted honorable and decent men out of office. “But still, God had mercy on you, and did not abandon you. He gave you the Minute Men of the United States of America. They were your neighbors, and you did not know it. They spoke to you furtively, and you did not know who they were. You lifted yourselves in your chains, and heard the words of life and liberty and saw the glimmer of the sun again. You did not know who called to you in your despair and your agony. And you would not have listened had you not been reduced to hopeless slaves... “...I would not have you deceive yourselves. The battle is not entirely won. At least half of the Armed Forces are with us, and a portion of the Picked Guards. But the others will resist you. ‘Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.’ Your courage and your faith must sustain you for many months. Attempts will be made to delude you, to lead you again into slavery, to confuse and divide you. Your enemies are still alive, and still full of hate for you. They have been momentarily silenced, at your command. They will speak again. “We are a free nation, tonight, and in the name of our freedom we cannot silence our enemies. The very opportunity we are giving them will damn them in your own ears. They will betray themselves to you with their own voices. Or, if they choose not to speak in this hour of peril for themselves, they will withdraw to plot against you again. But you are armed. You know who your enemies are. “Working together, we can restore this nation, and restore the peace and the liberties of all other nations. A whole world listens to us tonight. With patience and with justice, with mercy and with knowledge, we must work slowly and with enlightenment, for there is so much to be done. “...Tonight there will be issued by me a directive to the commanders of our Armed Forces on all battlefields to call an immediate truce, and to negotiate an armistice. Within a few hours all fighting will stop, and the guns will be silenced, and the war planes will retire. Your sons shall be returned to you as speedily as possible, and there shall be no more war. “As of tonight, all work on war orders shall cease. Plans will be made to convert all war plants to the making of civilian goods. All conscripted labor laws are abrogated at once. During the period of reconversion from war to peace your former employers will pay you full wages. When work is resumed, hours of labor shall not exceed forty hours a week, under any circumstances, unless by consent of the employed. All rationing ceases as of midnight... “All confiscated private property shall be restored to the former owners, and those who confiscated that property, with or without the consent of the State, shall pay back rentals for the periods the property has been at their disposal. “All labor camps shall be disbanded tomorrow, the inmates furnished with food and with transportation to their former homes. All children shall be returned to their parents. All political prisoners everywhere shall be freed. “Orders are being prepared at this moment to wrest power from the Military and return it to civilian authority. The Military, at midnight, shall be recalled from private homes where they have been quartered and payments shall be later adjudicated to those who gave the Military involuntary hospitality. “As of tonight, the Military has no authority whatsoever, no powers, no directives...Any officer or soldier attempting violence against the people of America shall be judged insubordinate, and shall be punished...I, the Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces, now call upon all officers and all soldiers and all military men of any designation to retire to their barracks and lay down their arms... “We have so much work to do, my dear friends, my dear fellow-countrymen. The ruin of decades cannot be cleared away in a day, a month, a year, or years. It will be a long and slow and sometimes bitter progress and sometimes disheartening. But, we can do it. We can rebuild our cities and restore our streets and prepare good homes for all of us. This will take much time, and we shall need all the patience and faith we can summon up... “...You, the people of the United States of America are in command of your nation. Take that command. Restore your cities and your churches. Speak of God again, freely, and teach your children, and your children’s children, of His mercy. Never let them forget this day of their deliverance, and never let them forget the men who died and worked that they might be free, that peace might live with them again, and the promise of the centuries might be fulfilled in them. “Teach your children to be brave. This century of ours has been marked most conspicuously by cowardice of the people everywhere. It was by our cowardice that we were betrayed into the hands of corrupt men who promised to make life ‘safe’ for us and devoid of hazard, and robbed the adventurousness by which the spirits of men are strengthened. It was by our poltroonery that we lost our liberties. It was by our fears that we almost died. A brave people never become slaves. “If we, the people of the United States of America, again lose our freedom it will be by our own lack of courage and faith and manhood. “Tonight States’ Rights are restored. Guard those rights as you would guard your lives. They were intended for just that purpose. A centralized government is a centralized evil. “On the day when you again allow abominable men to confiscate your freedom, your money, your lives, your private property, your manhood and your sacred honor, in the name of ‘security’ or ‘national emergency’ you will die, and never again shall you be free. If plotters again destroy your Republic, they will do it by your greedy and ignorant assent, by your disregard of your neighbors’ rights, by your apathy and your stupidity. We were brought to the brink of universal death and darkness because we had become that most contemptible of people - an angerless one. Keep alive and vivid all your righteous anger against traitors, against those who would abrogate your Constitution, against those who would lead you to wars with false slogans and cunning appeals to your patriotism. “For, remember, if you die in prison, you will have built that prison. If your sons are again conscripted, you will have penned the writ. If a company of malignant men again assumes control of your lives, you will have given them that control... “Always, the people are responsible for wicked lawmakers, oppressors, exploiters, criminals in government, tyrants in power, thieves, liars, malefactors and murderers in the capitals of the world. You, the man in the street, the man in the factory and in the shop, the man on the farm, the man in the office, you, the man everywhere, are guilty of the creatures whose crimes against you have been so monstrous, and will be again, by your own consent - if you give it... “...A wise man distrusts his neighbor. A wiser man distrust both his neighbor and himself. The wisest man of all distrusts his government. Therefore, be watchful and sleepless; be brave, be strong; be without fear. This is not the end. Villains will try, again and again and again, to enslave you, until the end of time. It is in your hands to defeat them and to destroy them, whenever or however they appear.
“If you do not, then may God have mercy on your souls!”
--Taylor Caldwell,  (1952) - pgs. 332 - 338


Never in the history of the USA has anyone seen — and experienced — such a pervasive and ongoing chemical assault on the citizenry in broad daylight. Especially an assault that goes unseen and, therefore, unreported by the great majority of people who live under chemtrailed skies. These folks are by and large completely unaware that their skies are literally being saturated, sometimes 24/7, with chemtrail chemicals.How is it that these chemicals being spewed by airliners, which are equipped to lay down such aerosolized chemical cocktails, go undetected by so many?

That is truly the $64,000 question?

And, there can be only one answer. The Federal Government has willfully engaged in a premeditated conspiracy to deceive the public. This conspiracy to both deceive and spray chemicals anywhere the government wishes has been going on for decades. Yet they continue to assert that the chemtrails which many of us have witnessed and experienced are actually contrails. What follows are a few photos, which clearly show how the equipment which produces these aerosols, can start and stop the spraying process. Upon seeing these many chemtrails being laid down in real time, it is obvious to anyone who can see that they are in fact chemtrails … and positively not contrails. Contrails are the normal vapor trails which are left in the wake of a sky borne jet airliner. They appear at the very rear being ejected as the exhaust from the jet airliners, and dissipate quite quickly depending on the ambient atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity at the time. Hopefully you get the picture by now. If not, here’s a much more ‘exhaustive’ photo-documentary for your viewing: CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering. These photos categorically portray the chemtrails being started and stopped at the will of the chemtrail aerosolization equipment operator. In other words, there is no room for debate here: Chemtrails are not contrails, and contrails are not chemtrails. The preceding photos ought to serve as irrefutable evidence for anyone who is confronted with the skepticism or disbelief from those who rarely look at the sky. This Government-Run Chemtrail Conspiracy Has At Least Three Prongs The first prong has been to knowingly disseminate false information about the multi-decade, government-coordinated, chemtrail program. Calling what are actually chemtrails contrails is a stratagem the government has used with great success for all of those decades. Except that now many are waking up to the truth and calling them on it whenever and wherever possible. On those rare occasions where they trot out a willing dupe to purposefully misrepresent chemtrails as contrails, they often fall down on the job. Nevertheless, the government has so committed itself to this highly flawed strategy for so many years that they refuse to give it up. Their untenable approach is now beginning to work in the favor of those who are working to expose this relentless chemical assault against the populace.The second prong of the government’s stratagem is to selectively spray uniquely formulated chemtrail aerosols in different areas, at different altitudes, during specific weather patterns, etc. For instance, we often see them heavily spray the skies one or two days before a predicted rainfall, thunderstorm, snowfall, hailstorm or any other type of precipitation event. This is without question the chemtrail program’s most predictable feature. When a major weather event is forecasted, the government’s chemtrail airliners are up there creating tic-tac-toe boards in the sky like at no other time.

This begs the following question:

What on earth are they putting in those chemtrail brews that they are so deliberate to rain upon the masses? After all, the heavy precipitation events particularly ensures that the many aerosolized chemicals end up on lakes and rivers, farmland and forests, homes and offices, roads and sidewalks, malls and shopping centers, cars and trucks, etc. Just in case the reader has any health concerns or medical conditions which might be caused, or exacerbated, by the toxic chemicals present in chemtrails, here is a real eye-opener. The third prong of this ubiquitous and unrelenting government chemtrail conspiracy is weather modification. All one has to do is closely watch the unpredictable and uncooperative weather of the great state of California to get an appreciation of how profoundly geo-engineering has altered the long-established climatological patterns there. The state has been besieged by what may be its worst drought in recorded history. The headlines that follow tell the story much better than we can. The US Federal Government has been deceiving the citizenry for many decades regarding the geo-engineering chemical assault known as chemtrails. Not only has the government continued down this road of deception, it has ramped up its many and varied initiatives to ensure that the chemtrail genie does not escape from the bottle. Once it does, they know that it cannot be put back into the bottle … and that there will be many unhappy people as a result. For the untold millions who have been systematically sickened by the covert chemtrail program, they will have their day of revelation and justice. Those who directly participated in this chemical assault on the entire nation will likewise face the appropriate consequences. It is now only a matter of time that both this crime against humanity and the subsequent cover-up will be exposed. May those who are responsible for this crime against humanity be forewarned! The people of the world don’t like having their sunny days taken from them. Neither do they like being sprayed from on high with toxic and dangerous chemicals. There will be those among the scientific establishment who will even attempt to explain away the chemtrail photos above as contrails.  These folks are either intellectually challenged to the extreme.  Or, they are paid shills in the employ of the various organs of government propaganda. Particularly for anyone who is confronted by skeptics, let them see for themselves a chemtrail in the making over their own home or business.  In every case they will witness firsthand the starting and the stopping of the chemtrails, depending on their vantage point.  If this realtime execution of the chemtrail crime does not convince them, nothing can or will. Remember, we live in a time when common sense has become quite rare.  And, the human faculty of reason has fled the civilization … to a great degree. Permission is granted to post this essay as long as it is linked back to the following url:


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