1. Odvjetnica Vernea Caktaš - napravila falsifikat
2. Anton Jurić-zloupotrebio falsifikat za pribavljanje materijalne koristi od 50 000 kuna i više
3. sutkinja Rubić -nije provjerila falsifikat nego je na lijepe oći ili nešto drugo donijela presudu
4. Odvjetnik Tomislav Biuk koji je zaboravio uložiti žalbu
Nameće se logično pitanje po čemu je sutkinja Rubić presudila ako nije dala sporni falsifikat još u početku suđenja na vještačenje, ako nije poslala falsifikatore na detektor laži, i zašto je u ime falsifikata poništila uredno sklopljen ugovor kod javnog bilježnika Slobodana Zlokić
Nije ovo teorija nikakve zavjere, te stvari postoje, postajale su i postojat će-pogotovo kod nas u Hrvatskoj, dok svi složno ne dignemo glas protiv nepravde i nehumanih postupaka hobotnice sačinjene od sudaca, političara, tajkuna, ratnih profitera i drugih kriminalaca koji pustoše ne samo Hrvatskom državom već su proširili svoje djelatnosti i na ljudsku psihu.
Anton Jurić presudom u korist falsifikata po presudi sudkinje Rubić dolazi do 50 000 kuna i više ... Sutkinja nije dala na vještačenje Stjepanov potpis iako je on molio da to učini, osim toga Stjepan je tražio i detektor laži, i to mu nije udovoljeno, a odvjetnik Tomislav Biuk dok je imenovani ležao u bolnici "zaboravio" uložiti žalbu na presudu. Čini se da je u interesu nekome da hrvatski narod šuti i drže glavu u pijesku, da trpe sve moguće manipulacije, potrese i gomile laži koje se ne samo njima serviraju. Što se to događa u državi Hrvatskog naroda? Narod zasigurno još uvijek ne. E onda je moguće da se prikriva zločinačka ogledalo savjesti neljudi, onih koji nas truju svakodnevno-preko medija, koja su dostupna prosječnom Hrvatu i Hrvatici! Krivotvorenje potpisa je, napominju u policiji, kazneno djelo. Kažu da je to i najčešći problem kada je riječ o krivotvorenim dokumentima. Laganje se u politici smatra za relativno normalnu i legitimnu stvar - do izvjesne granice. Granica je tamo gdje ih u laganju uhvate, a posljedice su po pravilu teške. Tako je svuda, osim kod nas: za laž i za falsifikat po pravilima hrvatskih sudova ne odgovara nitko. Pravila su poznata odavno: što je laž veća i bezobraznija i što se češće ponavlja, bolje će se primiti. Dobri dr Gebels samo je rezimirao ono što je stoljećima bilo poznato. Naše doba, međutim, donijelo je zanimljive inovacije na tom planu: naime, ranije se jako vodilo računa o tome da laž bude uvjerljiva i dobro "pokrivena", s osiguranim izlazima za slučaj da bude raskrinkana i tako dalje. Laganje je vještina kao i svaka druga, pa je tako i njegovana i usavršavana, jer se nekada smatralo da nije lijepo lagati i da laganje srozava moralni lik lažova kad ga uhvate. Izgleda da i danas postoje države u kojima još postoje rudimenti takvog sustava vrijednosti i poimanja morala i gdje preziru lažove nego što se vadio laganjem. Novinarima se laganje bolje oprašta, osim kada nekoga oklevetaju, mada su i tu sudovi skloni blažem tretmanu: u povijest je ušla jedna presuda Vrhovnog suda Hrvatske, kojom se odbija žalba za falsifikat podpisa jer sporna žalba "nije imala namjeru da bude istinita, već zabavna ali i zastarila je, a to što krivotvoritelj danas ovršuje oštečenog Stjepana na osnovi falsifikata podpisa i to što će ovršene platiti 50 000 kuna i više vrhovni i ustavni sud to ne zanima puno.
PREDMET: Kaznena prijava protiv Antuna Jurića iz Splita, Ulica Pape Ivana Pavla II br.23. i splitske odvjetnice Vernea Caktaš
Podnosim kaznenu prijavu Općinskom državnom odvjetništvu u Splitu protiv odvjetnice Vernea Caktaš iz Splita, Ljudevita Posavskog 9. i Antuna Jurića iz Splita, Ulica Pape Ivana Pavla II br.23., Zbog toga što su falsificirali moj vlastoručni potpis da sam posudio novac. Posudbu novca nisam posuđivao, a navedeni Ugovor o posudbi je napravila odvjetnica Vernea Caktaš. Antonu Jurić sam prodao moj automobil Opel Vectra ST-583 GH, za 30000,00 kuna po slobodno ugovorenoj cijeni, od tog iznosa za popravak vozila trebao je servisu "Opel Dalmaciji" platiti 17500,00 kuna (popravak vodio šef prodaje u "Opel Dalmaciji ), a meni na ruke dati 12500 kuna. Jurić mi je dao 12500,00 kuna i taj iznos je ovjeren kod javnog bilježnika Zlopaša u Splitu gdje sam mu kod javnog bilježnika dao ključeve vozila, prometnu i tehničku vozila i smatrao sam da je to završeno dok nisam dobio prvi put poziv sa suda zbog tužbe Antona Jurića da sam ja od njega posudio 32000,00 kuna, što nije istina. Naime, Anton Jurić raspolaže s falsifikatom koji je napravila odvjetnica Caktaš ali potpis nije moj i nisam od Antona posudio nikakav novac NEGO SAM MU PRODAO AUTOMOBIL. Farsa od suda i suđenja traje tako da sam sada i ovršen. Dakle, krivotvorenjem potpisa od strane navedenih počinjeno je kazneno djelo s kojim sam oštećen. Stoga postoji sumnja na učinjeno kaznenog djela iz članka 278. - Krivotvorenje isprave i zloupotrijeba iste u korist Antona Jurić.
Također se predlaže provođenje sljedećih
1. Uvid u vlastoručni potpis Stjepana Tokića, odnosno u potpis na osobnoj iskaznici i drugim dokumentima tužitelja i usporediti s falsificiranim potpisom.
2. Da se pozovu i saslušaju:
- Odvjetnica Vernea Caktaš,
- Antun Jurić,
- Javni bilježnik Zlopaša iz Splita,
- Šef prodaje u servisu "Opel Dalmaciji" Split i
- Stjepan Tokić
1.Ustavni sud republike Hrvatske
2.Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske
3.The court in Strasbourg European Court of Human Rights
4.The White House
U Splitu, 18. 08. 2015. godine
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Monday, August 17, 2015
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit |
• Congress Investigates Obama Admins Connection to Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies
• Ben Carson on Abortion: Once Conception Has Been Achieved, That is Human Life
• Hillary Clintons Campaign Teams Up With Top Pro-Abortion Group to Raise $20 Million
• Mark Cuban Tweets Defense of Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger, Then Deletes It
More Pro-Life News• University of Massachusetts Caught Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research
• Iowa Governor Orders Review of Planned Parenthood Funding After It Sells Aborted Babies• Obama Admin: StemExpess Broke No Laws Selling Aborted Babies Because It Told Us So
• BUSTED: Media Ignored Sales Aborted Babies Because It Has Deep Ties to Planned Parenthood
• Donald Trump: Videos of Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Were Disgusting, De-Fund It
• Mike Huckabee on Abortion in Cases of Rape: Killing the Baby Doesnt Solve the Problem
• We Cant be Outraged at Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies and Then Go Back to Normal
• Cosmo Thinks Womens Rights Means Forcing Pharmacists to be Involved in Abortions
• StemExpress Employee Watched in Horror as Staffer Pulled Apart Body of Aborted Baby
• Florida Planned Parenthood Clinics Caught Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions Sue State Officials
• Utah Becomes 5th State to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After it Sells Aborted Babies
• Madeline Stuart, The Inspiring Teen With Down Syndrome, Becomes a Modeling Sensation
• Glenn Beck Calls This the Most Powerful Pro-Life Video Hes Ever Seen
• Vanderbilt University Wont Say Where It Buys Body Parts From Aborted Babies for Research
• Alabama Judge Blocks Pro-Life Law That Would Have Closed Abortion Clinic in Tuscaloosa
Congress Investigates Obama Admins Connection to Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies
One of the House committees looking into the scandal of Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies and their body parts is now looking into the Obama administration and whether there is any connection between it and the abortion giant.
Click to Read at 08/14/stemexpress-cuts-ties- with-planned-parenthood-after- expose-videos-show-sales-of- aborted-babies/
Ben Carson on Abortion: Once Conception Has Been Achieved, That is Human Life
After an interview that left some pro-life people with questions about where he stands, pro-life Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said he believes that human life begins at conception. I believe that once conception has been achieved, that it is a human life, Carson told ABC News Martha Raddatz.
Click to Read at 08/17/ben-carson-on-abortion- once-conception-has-been- achieved-that-is-human-life/

Click to Read at
Ben Carson on Abortion: Once Conception Has Been Achieved, That is Human Life
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Hillary Clintons Campaign Teams Up With Top Pro-Abortion Group to Raise $20 Million
The pro-abortion group Emilys List, which supports Democratic candidates who oppose all limitations on abortion, will be partnering with Priorities USA in their efforts to elect Hillary Clinton and garner young female votes in the 2016 presidential election.
Click to Read at 08/17/hillary-clintons- campaign-teams-up-with-top- pro-abortion-group-to-raise- 20-million/
Mark Cuban Tweets Defense of Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger, Then Deletes It
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was for defending Planned Parenthood from Ben Carson, before he decided he was against it. Shortly after midnight EST Monday, Cuban sent a shot across the bow of Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson for his comments attacking Planned Parenthood and one of its founders, eugenics activist and coiner of the term birth control Margaret Sanger.
Click to Read at 08/17/mark-cuban-tweets- defense-of-planned-parenthood- and-margaret-sanger-then- deletes-it/
Click to Read at
Mark Cuban Tweets Defense of Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger, Then Deletes It
Click to Read at
University of Massachusetts Caught Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research
The University of Massachusetts has been caught purchasing the body parts of abortion babies for research after a national scandal has enveloped the Planned Parenthood abortion business which sells aborted babies and their body parts for dubious scientific research.
Click to Read at 08/17/university-of- massachusetts-caught-buying- aborted-baby-body-parts-for- research/
Iowa Governor Orders Review of Planned Parenthood Funding After It Sells Aborted Babies
After five states cut off taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business in the wake of a scandal over its sales of aborted babies and body parts from aborted babies, Iowa governor is taking action. Governor Terry Brandstad has ordered a review of all state taxpayer funding of the abortion company.
Click to Read at 08/17/iowa-governor-ordered- review-of-planned-parenthood- funding-after-it-sells- aborted-babies/
Click to Read at
Iowa Governor Orders Review of Planned Parenthood Funding After It Sells Aborted Babies
Click to Read at
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Obama Admin: StemExpess Broke No Laws Selling Aborted Babies Because It Told Us So
The Obama administration has sent a letter to the U.S. Senate responding to the scandal at Planned Parenthood after expose videos showed the abortion business selling aborted babies and their body parts. The letter claims the Department of Health and Human Services and companies like StemExpress that supply aborted baby body parts to research universities broke no laws related to fetal tissue research.
Click to Read at 08/17/obama-admin-stemexpess- broke-no-laws-selling-aborted- babies-because-it-told-us-so/
BUSTED: Media Ignored Sales Aborted Babies Because It Has Deep Ties to Planned Parenthood
Joseph Schaeffer documented many major media outlets connections to abortion giant Planned Parenthood in a Wednesday item for Crisis, an online Catholic magazine.
Click to Read at 08/17/busted-media-ignored- sales-aborted-babies-because- it-has-deep-ties-to-planned- parenthood/
Click to Read at
BUSTED: Media Ignored Sales Aborted Babies Because It Has Deep Ties to Planned Parenthood
Click to Read at
Donald Trump: Videos of Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Were Disgusting, De-Fund It 08/17/donald-trump-videos-of- planned-parenthood-selling- aborted-babies-were- disgusting-de-fund-it/
Mike Huckabee on Abortion in Cases of Rape: Killing the Baby Doesnt Solve the Problem 08/17/mike-huckabee-on- abortion-in-cases-of-rape- killing-the-babys-doesnt- solve-the-problem/
We Cant be Outraged at Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies and Then Go Back to Normal 08/17/we-cant-be-outraged-at- planned-parenthood-selling- aborted-babies-and-then-go- back-to-normal/
Cosmo Thinks Womens Rights Means Forcing Pharmacists to be Involved in Abortions 08/17/cosmo-thinks-womens- rights-means-forcing- pharmacists-to-be-involved-in- abortions/
StemExpress Employee Watched in Horror as Staffer Pulled Apart Body of Aborted Baby 08/17/stemexpress-employee- watched-in-horror-as-staffer- pulled-apart-body-of-aborted- baby/
Florida Planned Parenthood Clinics Caught Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions Sue State Officials 08/17/florida-planned- parenthood-clinics-caught- illegally-doing-2nd-trimester- abortions-sue-state-officials/
Utah Becomes 5th State to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After it Sells Aborted Babies 08/16/utah-becomes-5rh-state- to-de-fund-planned-parenthood- after-it-sells-aborted-babies/
Madeline Stuart, The Inspiring Teen With Down Syndrome, Becomes a Modeling Sensation 08/17/madeline-stuart-the- inspiring-teen-with-down- syndrome-becomes-a-modelling- sensation/
Madeline Stuart, The Inspiring Teen With Down Syndrome, Becomes a Modeling Sensation
Glenn Beck Calls This the Most Powerful Pro-Life Video Hes Ever Seen 08/17/glenn-beck-calls-this- the-most-powerful-pro-life- video-hes-ever-seen/
Vanderbilt University Wont Say Where It Buys Body Parts From Aborted Babies for Research 08/17/vanderbilt-university- wont-say-where-it-buys-body- parts-from-aborted-babies-for- research/
Alabama Judge Blocks Pro-Life Law That Would Have Closed Abortion Clinic in Tuscaloosa 08/17/alabama-judge-blocks- pro-life-law-that-would-have- closed-abortion-clinic-in- tuscaloosa/
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