Ljubitelji putovanja, pronađite idealne ponude za putovanje i provedite odmor iz snova! Ukoliko ne uspijete pronaći ono što bi udovoljavalo Vašim željama, slobodno nas kontaktirajte i rado ćemo Vam pomoći!
Posjetite Beč od 03. - 04. listopada i uživajte u čarobnoj noći kada će za Vas biti otvorena vrata muzeja diljem grada, a najbrži će dobiti GRATIS ulaznicu za ovu manifestaciju!
PUTOVANJE: 03. - 04. listopada 2015. godine CIJENA: 650,00 Kn po osobi (u cijenu uključen prijevoz visoko kategoriziranim turističkim autobusom i noćenje u hotelu u centru Beča) FIRST MINUTE: za prijave i uplate do 01. rujna, GRATIS ulaznica za Noć Muzeja (redovna cijena 13 €)
Plan i program putovanja
U Beču Vas očekuju muzeji i umjetničke zbirke međunarodnog formata. Muzej povijesti umjetnosti s impresivnom zbirkom Bruegelovih slika, Museums Quartier i Muzej Leopold (s najvećom zbirkom Schieleovih djela), Muzej moderne umjetnosti, Architekturzentrum i Kunsthalle spadaju među najvažnije. Albertina se može pohvaliti najvećom grafičkom zbirkom na svijetu, koja broji 60.000 crteža i milijun grafika, a Muzej Liechtenstein posjetitelju će dočarati ambijent barokne životne radosti...
Copyright © 2015, Smart Travel j.d.o.o., All rights reserved. Smart Travel HR-AB-01-070116312 Poslovnica: Amruševa 10/2, Zagreb
Our mailing address is: info@smart-travel.hr |
Perceived by many as a low blow, Earnest’s gibe earned scorn from numerous online critics.
Until shortly before announcing his presidential candidacy...
Before casting her vote, Commissioner Sara Comander defended the decision while expressing concern for those offended.
"I couldn't make it right in my mind."
Nugent explained why critics of Trump’s immigration rhetoric are wrong.
As was perhaps his intention, the post garnered a passionate mixture of support and criticism.
Several Twitter users took a turn attempting to explain how Hillary Clinton maintains her Democrat primary lead.
It is unlikely Obama will leave office on a similar high note.
The civil unrest reportedly began after city officials allowed protesters to take part in the meeting.
She wasn't breathing when they pulled her out...
If we do not speak out, and stop this madness, we will lose our claim on humanity.
By Christine Flowers
America need not look any further than Canada and take heed to the warnings while it still has the time.
By Bradlee Dean
The City by the Bay is in a state of progressive dysfunction.
By James V. Lacy
Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si (“Be Praised”) has been acclaimed by the international media as a call to action on global warming.
By Donald Devine
As Thomas Jefferson said, "The best government is that which governs least." It’s also more likely to endure.
By Richard Larsen
As of this week, Scouts will now be taught that gender and sexual orientation are fungible things.
By Christine Flowers
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