Putevima svetog Ignacija
Na blagdan sv. Ignacija Loyole, utemeljitelja Družbe Isusove, papa Franjo je odobrio potpuni oprost grijeha hodočasnicima koji putuju na Camino Ignaciano ili Ignacijski put između današnjeg dana i 31. srpnja 2016. Camino Ignaciano, inauguriran u 2012., prati put sv. Ignacija u sjevernoj Španjolskoj od Loyole gdje je živio do Manrese, pećine u kojoj je počeo pisati duhovne vježbe. Papa je pozvao hodočasnike da prođu “put dubokog obraćenja” u kojem se treba zapitati je li Krist “uistinu središte mojega života?“. Ova me vijest zaintegrirala zato što jednostavno nisam prije ni čuo za ovo hodočašće. Čini mi se dosta zanimiljivo, a sigurno će se dopasti onim čitateljima koji prolaze vježbe ili slijede duhovnost svetog Ignacija. Samo hodočašće slijedi poznati put koji je 1522. godine Ignacije Loyola prošao od svoje rodne kuće u španjolskoj Baskiji, u selu u blizini gradića Azpeitia. Od tamo, ruta se nastavlja stotinama kilometara, kroz slikovite planine, pustinje i zelene ravnice, prije negoli završi u gradu Manresi (pored Barcelone); Ignacije se u ovom gradu odmarao nekoliko mjeseci nakon putovanja kroz Španjolsku, a Manresa je za njega bilo mjesto dubokog duhovnog prosvjetljenja. U obližnjoj špilji je ostao oko godinu dana, kajao se za svoje grijehe i razmatrao otajstva Isusova života. Tako je prvi obavio duhovne vježbe pod vodstvom Blažene Djevice Marije, zapisao upute i kasnije objavio knjigu “Duhovne vježbe” po kojoj su se kroz stoljeća milijuni ljudi duhovno vježbali i bogatili. Danas je ta špilja lijepo uređena kao sastavni dio crkve i rezidencije Družbe Isusove. Hodočasnici uz Camino Ignaciano prolaze gotovo isti put kojim je prošao Ignacije, posjećujući iste gradove, mole u istim crkvama, i dive se istoj prirodi koju je svetac gledao. Za više informacije o samom hodočašću posjetite stranicu caminoignaciano.org
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THINKPROGRESS | Center for American Progress Action Fund 1333 H Street NW, 10th Floor | Washington, DC 20005 Contributions to Center for American Progress Action Fund are not tax deductible |
FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2015 | ||||||||||||||||||||
FedEx-TNT Express Deal to Be Investigated in Europe The European Commission said it had concerns that the $4.8 billion merger could decrease competition and lead to higher prices for consumers.
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The Million-Dollar Donors to Presidential 'Super PACs' So FarToday is the deadline for "super PACs" to file fund-raising reports for the first half of 2015. For the groups that have filed so far, the top donor is the co-founder of a Houston-based private equity firm.
White Collar Watch: Supreme Court Review Could Redefine Insider Trading The Justice Department has asked the court to review a decision to overturn two insider trading convictions, but it might not like the answer it gets.
Details Revealed in Relativity's Bankruptcy Case In a Bankruptcy Court papers, Brian Kushner, the chief restructuring officer for Relativity, listed the secured debt that pushed the company toward the voluntary filing.
Life@Work: Struggling to Disconnect From Our Digital Lives The more time we spend swimming in digital waters, the shallower our cognitive capacity becomes and the less control we have of our attention.
UPS to Buy Coyote Logistics for $1.8 Billion The acquisition is intended to help bolster UPS's presence in the freight brokerage business.
Shares in Mainland China End Worst Month in 6 Years The main indexes in Shanghai and Shenzhen finished July with declines of 14.3 percent each, despite government intervention in the markets.
Lloyds Profit Rises Despite $2.2 Billion Provision for Loan Customers The British bank had set aside about $18.7 billion to compensate consumers who were improperly sold a loan insurance product.
Liberty Global Increases Its Stake in British Broadcaster ITV No financial details were provided about the deal, but current market prices would put it at almost $600 million.
BNP Paribas's Profit in 2nd Quarter Is Bolstered by Investment Bank Revenue Results were dragged down at France's biggest bank last year by a huge settlement for doing business with countries facing American sanctions.
Puerto Rico Debt Payments Due on Saturday Puerto Rico, the United States territory that's teetering on the edge of insolvency, has two critical debt payments due on Saturday. There are mounting questions about whether the island's Public Finance Corporation and the Government Development Bank will be able to make scheduled debt payments that day. Recently, the government said that the Legislature had not appropriated money for the Public Finance Corporation payment, signaling that it might be skipped. - Michael Corkery
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July 31, 2015
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