petak, 7. kolovoza 2015.

Možemo li zastati i stvarno obratiti pažnju na Boga? A Simple but Powerful Definition of Prayer

Bog je uvijek prisutan, no njegovu prisutnost treba prihvatiti, postati je svjestan, kako bi Bog mogao djelovati u našem životu. To se događa u i po molitvi. Molitva je, u svojem korijenu, jednostavno skretanje pozornosti na Boga. Koja prekrasna slika: skrenuti pozornosti na Boga. Zamislite samo: zastati i stvarno obratiti pažnju na Boga! Tako jednostavno, a tako se često previdi. Najčešće se molitva definira kao “razgovor s Bogom“. Istinito i dobro svjedočanstvo. Ali ovoj definiciji nekako nedostaje pravo značenje. Dok većina ljudi lako shvaća “govorni” dio razgovora, manje cijene element “slušanja” u razgovoru. I tako može biti puno naglaska na recitiranju molitvi, zagovornim molitvama, itd. Sve su one dobre same po sebi, čak i potrebne – ali kada se i kako sluša Boga?Netko bi teoretski mogao recitirati duge molitve, ali na kraju obratiti malo pozornosti na Boga. Ovo se ne događa zbog zlonamjernih ili oholih motiva, nego zbog činjenice da su naši umovi slabi. I tako definicija o “razgovoru” ima svoje zamke i ograničenja. Katekizam Katoličke Crkve kao definiciju kršćanske molitve preuzima misao sv. Terezije od Djeteta Isusa: “Za mene je molitva zanos srca, jednostavan pogled bačen prema nebu, usklik zahvalnosti i ljubavi u kušnji kao i u radosti”, te sv. Ivana Damašćanskog: “Molitva je uzdignuće duše k Bogu ili traženje primjerenih dobara od Boga” (KKC, br. 2559). Kakve li razlike kada se na molitvu krene imajući ovo naumu: “Sada ću sve odložiti, smiriti se i provesti neko vrijeme pridavajući svoju pažnju Bogu. Mirno ću sjediti i slušati – dok On govori. Razmišljat ću o Njegovoj slavi, radovati se Njegovoj istini, i duboko razmatrati Njegovu prisutnost.Obraćanje pozornosti na Boga može uzeti mnoge oblike. Jedan izvanredan način je u sporom, promišljenom i ciljanom selektivnom čitanju Svetog Pisma, što se zove lectio divina. Ne čitamo samo tekst, nego slušamo kako nam Bog govori; obraćamo pozornost na ono što On govori. I dok slušamo, obraćamo pozornost na Njega, naše misli počinju se mijenjati i daruju nam se Kristove misli. Drugi, nadmoćan način skretanja pozornosti na Boga je u euharistijskom klanjanju: gdje naše misli lagano kreću prema Njemu, a On nam uzvraća svojom ljubavlju, često bez riječi, ali Njegova prisutnost je vrlo moćna. Nadalje, u autentičnom i crkveno odobrenom duhovnom čitanju obraćamo se Bogu tako da ga slušamo preko riječi njegovih posrednika – svetaca, mistika i drugih uglednih izvora. Dobro, zdravo i odobreno duhovno čitanje donosi nam Kraljevstvo Božje, njegovu mudrost, i njegovu viziju. I dok pažljivo proučavamo sveti nauk, time obraćamo i pozornost na Boga. I naravno, najviši oblik pridavanja pozornosti Bogu je sudjelovanje u svetoj liturgiji, gdje doživljavamo Njegovu prisutnost i moć, slušamo Njegove Riječi izgovorene pobožno i promišljeno, častimo Njegovu prisutnost na svetom oltaru, te Ga pozorno i pobožno primamo. A tijekom dana možemo na bezbroj načina zastati na trenutak i obratiti pozornost na Boga kroz strelovite molitve, jer : Molitva je, u korijenu, jednostavno usmjeravanje svojih misli i pažnje na Boga.

08052015I have read many definitions of prayer, and I am especially fond of St Therese’s description.But one of the nicest and briefest descriptions of prayer that I have read comes from Dr. Ralph Martin in his bookThe Fulfillment of All Desire. Dr. Martin says beautifully, in a way that is succinct and yet comprehensive and inclusive of diverse expression,
Prayer is, at root, simply paying attention to God (p. 121).
Such a wonderful image: paying attention to God. Imagine that, actually paying attention to God! So simple, yet so often overlooked.More traditionally, I have heard prayer defined as “conversation with God.” True enough, and well attested. But to me, this definition seems to shed less light on its meaning. While most people easily grasp the “talking” part of conversation, fewer are able to appreciate the “listening” part. And thus there can be a lot of emphasis on recited prayers, intercessory prayers, etc. These are all good in themselves—even required—but when and how does one listen? One could theoretically recite long prayers, but in the end pay little attention to God. This is not usually due to malicious or prideful motives, but rather to the fact that our minds are weak. And thus the “conversation” definition has its pitfalls and limits. How different it is to go to prayer saying, “I am going to go aside now and spend some time paying attention to God. I am going to sit still and listen while he speaks. I am going to think about His glory, rejoice in His truth, and ponder His presence as deeply as I can.” Paying attention to God can take many forms. One outstanding way is through the slow, thoughtful, and deliberate reading of Scripture called lectio divina. We are not merely reading a text; we are listening to God speak; we are paying attention to what He says. And as we listen, as we pay attention to Him, our minds begin to change, and the Mind of Christ becomes our gift. Another preeminent way of paying attention to God is through Eucharistic Adoration: a thoughtful, attentive, and loving look to the Lord as our thoughts gently move to Him, and His loving look returns often wordless but powerful presence. Further, in authentic and approved spiritual reading we pay attention to God in a way that is mediated through His Saints, mystics, and other reputable sources. Good, wholesome, and approved spiritual reading presents to us the Kingdom of God, His Wisdom, and His vision. And in carefully considering holy teaching, we are paying attention to God. And of course the highest form of paying attention to God is attending to Him in the Sacred Liturgy, experiencing His presence and power, listening to His Word proclaimed thoughtfully and reflectively, attending to His presence on the sacred altar, and receiving Him with attentiveness and devotion. Throughout the day there are countless ways that we can take a moment and pay attention to God: momentary aspirations, a quick thought sent heavenward, or a look of love. I will say no more here. For so much is beautifully and simply conveyed in these words: Prayer is, at root, simply paying attention to God....

This is a paid message from a valued partner of Western Journalism. Our paid sponsors help keep our news service free for you. Please take a moment to read this message.

Urgent Message from Donald J. Trump
Dear Friend,
Are you ready to Make America Great Again?
Since I announced my candidacy for the Republican nomination for president I have soared to first place in the polls, defying the mainstream media and the GOP establishment.
I am rising in the polls because of you – and the fact that I am offering the American people an alternative to the inept career politicians who talk big but never produce results.
I have a long track record of producing big results. Very big results.
Frankly, I am running for president because I hate seeing what is happening to America – the country I love so much.
I am sick and tired of China and Mexico and all other countries beating us at the negotiating table – getting one-sided trade deals from Washington officials.
They have been letting these countries rip off our jobs, killing our potential for economic growth.
Let’s face it, America is in deep trouble.
We are a laughingstock around the globe as our incompetent leaders like Obama and Hillary Clinton get outmaneuvered.
Our economy is a disaster.
I think the American people are ready for some hard truths.
You know I call it the way I see it.
Thanks to Obama, the American dream is dead.
But I can bring it back – bigger and better and stronger than ever before.
A few weeks ago the political establishment went crazy when I pointed out the fact that some illegal aliens from Mexico, being pushed into our country by the Mexican government, are bringing crime, drugs and murder to the United States.
The media tried to smear me, claiming I was “racist” and that I attacked the Mexican people.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I forced the media to focus on a number of horrific crimes in which U.S. citizens were killed by illegal immigrants who got into the country because our borders are so porous practically anyone can walk into the United States.
In the face of this media onslaught, my poll numbers actually went up.
I even pulled well ahead of Jeb Bush, the supposed “front-runner.”
Bush is a weak and ineffective leader who would merely preside over the continued decline of this country. If he gets the nomination, we lose in 2016.
I am very critical of John McCain’s record in the U.S. Senate. He has done little to help veterans.
John McCain has been in the Senate for 30 years and worked closely with Senator Bernie Sanders to pass legislation to ensure that no one was held responsible for the scandal at Obama’s Veterans Administration, in which over 1,000 of our veterans died waiting for medical care.
Ironically many of these veterans died in the VA hospital in Phoenix, Arizona – McCain’s home state!
It’s just like Benghazi – incompetent and pathetic officials screw up, then Americans die . . . and no one in Washington is held responsible.
My concern is for all those men and women who served this country.
As president, I would build the finest Veterans Hospital system in the world where our veterans would have universal access – and I will do it for far less in tax dollars than we are spending now on our disgraceful broken Veterans Administration health care system.
The political establishment is in shock over the way I have taken the lead in the presidential race – and they are scared to death.
I am not afraid – I know Americans like you are with me.
Because my campaign will be funded mostly with my own money, the Washington insiders know that the lobbyists and special interests will have no influence in a Trump administration.
The special interests know you can’t “buy” me.
As I have traveled across the country I have met thousands of Americans who want to join our crusade. Actually, some people are calling it a movement.
The media, however, wants to claim that I have no grass-roots support.
I want to prove them wrong. I am asking you to stand with me and join with me today.
I believe so much in this campaign and that we can Make America Great Again, that I will match dollar-for-dollar every dollar donated by people like you.
If you will send a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more I will personally match whatever gift you give.
If you can send $500, $1,000 or more, I will also match that.
Show your support – Go Here Now
I want to show the liberal media that not since the days of Ronald Reagan has there been such a grass-roots movement of people ready to transform our party and our country.
My #1 goal is to create the greatest economic boom in American history, to unleash the incredible spirit of free enterprise in this country – get America moving again!
I have been tremendously blessed in this country.
I want all American families to share in the great economic opportunities this country offers.
I am very rich and I created something very special.
I want to make you and the American people rich.
I have no doubt the liberal media and the GOP establishment will continue to attack me.
But, make no mistake, I will never back down or apologize in the fight to make America great again.
Stand with me today and send a powerful message to the establishment by supporting my campaign
Please rush me your answer today – Go Here Now.

Donald J. Trump
P.S. I so strongly believe in what I am doing that I am willing to match every dollar you contribute to my campaign. Jeb Bush just raised over $100 million from Washington insiders. His donors are not donating to me because they can’t own me. Show America you want to join me in taking back Washington – Go Here Now
Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
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