We were there this morning planting and I couldn't believe my eyes! The Samaria Vineyard was coming to life right in front of our eyes!! We joined in the planting and got our hands dirty with the holy soil of Israel. Now is the time to join with us - Don't wait any longer!! Plant with us RIGHT NOW!!!
In the meantime, join with the many hundreds who have already responded to our call, and plant at least one tree in this amazing Samaria Vineyard. We are well on our way to reaching our goal of 5,000 trees This Month so that we can plant all the trees and bring this vineyard to life! CLICK HERE to plant your tree now or Forward this E-mail to people who you think would like to take part.Stay tuned for more video updates as we watch the Land of Samaria come back to life!
Thanks, Israel Video Network
©2016 12Tribe Films | 34 Ben-Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, 9423001
"I've just watched a video that shook me to the core of my being. In just a few seconds, it shows why our conflict persists. Peace begins with respect. If parents don't respect their own children's lives, how will they respect the lives of their neighbors? We must love all children. They should never be pushed to violence or hate. Join me in educating all children for peace." - Bibi Netanyahu
This is the craziest story I have ever heard.
Lauren Southern needed security to walk the streets of Belgium.
Find tells the story of the last Jewish refugees hiding in the tunnels in the days after the destruction of the Temple.
Today's Inspiring Feature - Spread the good vibes!

Learn more here about this exciting new project!
We invite you to send us any videos you think will help us connect people to Israel and the Jewish People. We love your feedback and read it everyday. Looking forward to hearing from you! If you received this email from a friend and wish to subscribe - Just click here. If you would rather receive a Weekly Connection to Israel instead, sign up here to be switched over to the weekly list.
Shalom from Jerusalem! Avi Abelow avi@Israelvideonetwork.com
©2016 12Tribe Films | Jerusalem, Israel
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Daily Kos Recommended
Donald Trump thinks Loudoun County is “doing lousy.”
His evidence? The closure of factories in Bristol and Hampton Roads -- HOURS away from Loudoun.
Josip, Donald Trump is a fraud -- plain and simple.
He makes bold, sweeping statements and claims that he alone can fix our problems. But Donald Trump fundamentally doesn’t understand our problems. He doesn't understand Loudoun County, or the 10th District.
It’s time to stop Trump, and politicians like Barbara Comstock who stand by him while he spews his toxic brand of politics.
Chip in to help elect a new leader for Northern Virginia: LuAnn Bennett!
LuAnn is running in Virginia’s 10th district -- one of the most competitive House races in the nation. As a small business owner who raised three boys as a single, working mom, LuAnn knows that in challenges, you can always find opportunities. LuAnn will bring her common-sense, problem solving approach to Congress and work with whomever to break through the gridlock and build a better future for Northern Virginians. Click here to donate to LuAnn’s campaign.
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What Should You Do If Your Boss Suddenly Quits?
Explanation Read more.
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