Stjepan --
After two years of negotiations and intentional diplomacy, the United States and its international partners have achieved something that decades of animosity has not -- a long-term agreement that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
President Obama said it best in his weekly address: "We have before us an historic opportunity to pursue a safer, more secure world for our children. It might not come around again in our lifetimes."
Part of our mission is to educate people about the issues they care about -- and over the past week we've heard a lot from folks who want to know more about this deal, and why the President is so passionate about it. As part of that, we're excited to share an invitation to join President Obama on the phone tonight, along with progressive organizers around the country, to hear from him about the deal and what it means for our nation.
You'll find the White House's invite below -- here are the details:
What: Call on the Iran deal with President Obama
When: Thursday, July 30th, 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Where: Call (866) 254-5934, use passcode 365802
After the call, you can let us know what you thought here:
Abby Witt
Managing Director
Organizing for Action
---------ORIGINAL MESSAGE---------
From: Bisognano, John
Subject: Call with President Obama on the P5+1 Nuclear Deal with Iran
July 30, 2015 |
Mayor Rahm Emanuel will announce today the city has come to an agreement with the Hawks for the team to build its new practice facility and community ice center on the site currently occupied by Malcolm X College, just south of the United Center.
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Stjepan --
After two years of negotiations and intentional diplomacy, the United States and its international partners have achieved something that decades of animosity has not -- a long-term agreement that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
President Obama said it best in his weekly address: "We have before us an historic opportunity to pursue a safer, more secure world for our children. It might not come around again in our lifetimes."
Part of our mission is to educate people about the issues they care about -- and over the past week we've heard a lot from folks who want to know more about this deal, and why the President is so passionate about it. As part of that, we're excited to share an invitation to join President Obama on the phone tonight, along with progressive organizers around the country, to hear from him about the deal and what it means for our nation.
You'll find the White House's invite below -- here are the details:
What: Call on the Iran deal with President Obama
When: Thursday, July 30th, 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Where: Call (866) 254-5934, use passcode 365802
After the call, you can let us know what you thought here:
Abby Witt
Managing Director
Organizing for Action
---------ORIGINAL MESSAGE---------
From: Bisognano, John
Subject: Call with President Obama on the P5+1 Nuclear Deal with Iran
Dear OFA members,
We're excited to invite you to a conference call with President Barack Obama and folks from around the country to discuss the P5+1 Nuclear Deal with Iran. The President will discuss the historic deal and its importance to the country and the international community.
The call will take place on Thursday, July 30th, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
We recommend you call in as close to 6:00 PM as possible, since space is limited for this exciting opportunity.
Thank you,
John Bisognano
The White House | Office of Public Engagement
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Stranke hrvatskog zajedništva
Ilica 421
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OIB: 36372094522
Zagreb – Zadar, 30.srpnja 2015. godine Miljenko Marić
Zamjenik predsjednika SHZ-a
Pomozite rad Stranke hrvatskog zajedništva.
Svoje donacije možete izvršiti uplatom sredstava na račun:
Hrvatska poštanska banka: HR422390001 - 1100374681
u korist:
Stranke hrvatskog zajedništva
Ilica 421
10 000 Zagreb
OIB: 36372094522
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